Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I dont think you were probed, i mean it looked like a pretty good sized lazer thing, it isnt a probe cause it glows at your upper chest area. 21:13, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Actually you DO Get probed, according to the geck, not only is the fadein thing called "Buttprobe" the sound fx are called Probearms etc, and also it lowers down to where your anus would be. --Drsalvador 22:19, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Bug in cell[]

If you don't allow Somah to attack you first inside the cell or simple kill her when you wake up, you will be unable to get through the main circular door.

Moved videos here[]

We don't need a blow by blow series of videos on how to do the quest.



--Kingclyde 06:43, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

What is the suggested level for the DLC?[]

I'm level 10 nowOutcastNeedhelp 03:27, 6 August 2009 (UTC)

stupid bug-who dares wins[]

while doing this quest on a new char i had who dares wins in my quest list at "enter the presidential metro" upon talking to sally after she reappers to wait till its safe it completed enter the presidential metro and is now on "locate the exit to adams airforce base", despite my not even discovering it or anywhere near it, should this be added to the bugs section? i should have phrased it better i was active on not of this world with who dares wins on my quest list. sorry. (--Shanmalinto 00:25, 13 August 2009 (UTC))

Out of This World freeze[]

I had the opening cutscene freeze problem (PS3), tried it three times and it stuck each time. So, I went and played The Pitt. When I came back through afterwards, the quest worked perfectly. So, the bug comes and goes, apparently.

- i'd like to add that this worked for me (on ps3 also)

going off & doing the point lookout quest series nfixed it for me (:

cba_to_register_xD 21:59, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

I had this bug as well. Its not exactly a freeze as you can quit the game using the button that takes you back to the ps3 menu and quit the game. Looks more like a endless loop, as one of the aliens is moving, and you can see when the loop restarts cos 'he' glitches. I just reloaded and it was ok the second time. I hadn't played point lookout or the pitt. 14:05, December 11, 2009 (UTC)

Not of this World bug[]

Noticed a bug in the Steamworks section of the ship:

There is a closed door in the Steamworks behind which Sally is hiding. If you kill 2 aliens that are wandering in front of the door, she will unlock the door. However, due to a bug, this may not happen, which is extremely unfortunate, as the locked room contains rare alien blaster ammo and the player cannot unlock this door (only Sally can do that).

If you want to fix this through the GECK, open the script DLC05SteamworksLDSCRIPT, find the line

IF ( getStage DLC05SteamworksLD == 55 )

and change it to:

IF ( getStage DLC05SteamworksLD >= 55 && GetQuestRunning DLC05SteamworksLD)

Even after fixing the bug, do not exit the area! If you continue to the next area, Sally will be waiting there and she definitely isn't going to go back to the Steamworks to open the door for you there, lol. WRFan 20:05, December 23, 2009 (UTC)

Weaponry walkthroughs[]

The walkthroughs do not contain the information on how to aquire the unique armaments in the different locations on the ship in the Quest articles, and it'd be very boring and tedious to endlessly switch from article to article.

Please fix as soon as possible.

Repellent Stick[]

When I woke up in the cell I still had the repellent stick but when i equipped it it still show my fists although when i punched the Aliens it still played the repellent stick sound and animation. 15:34, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Unable to start Mothership Zeta in PC GOTY edition[]

I' m running in to an issue where I'm unable to start the DLC (even though I have it). I get the static and receive the signal.

I stumbled upon the spaceship before and just went about scavenging without turning on the signal. Quite a few wasteland days later I finally got around to the DLCs. When trying Mothership Zeta though, it just won't start when approaching the ship or the alien. Any clues to how to resolve this?

I'm running the PC (Steam) Fallout 3 GOTY edition.

--BadGuy 21:23, February 2, 2011 (UTC)

Keep the <Missing Name> item[]

I've discovered a way to keep the <Missing Name> weapon mentioned in the bugs section AND get out of your cell. The sad downside is you have to kill Somah AFTER you get Sally, I can figure out no other way. I'm new so not sure if I should post videos, screenshots or just tell people how to do it. Any feedback on this? --Coldwinds 15:49, June 19, 2011 (UTC)
