Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Not So Random Encounter[]

I have tried this multiple times and I don't know if it should be changed on the actual article or not but Northwest Seneca Station is an absolute spawn point for both the Regulators and the Talon Company Mercenaries that attack you on site depending on your Karma. This place along with Anacostia Crossing Station and Warrington station spawn them once, but will automatically spawn them if you fast travel, enter the tunnels and come out, or enter the nearby grocer and come out as grocers are nearby in two cases. Also if you alter your Karma to opposite what you have or turn neutral then do something to get back to your original Karma the attack will reset and happen as soon as you reload the area. I've tried this out in all of these areas, I don't know whether it is important enough to put in or not, but I just wanted to mention it. (Munsterd Oslam 16:18, 19 June 2009 (UTC))

Nearby Enclave camp[]

Is it worth mentioning in the article that the broken overpass to the west has an Enclave camp on it (after that point in the main quest, obviously)? Also of note, for me at least, was one of the Enclave soldiers was friendly to me. There was a hostile officer and a hostile soldier, then one friendly soldier. It was disconcerting, having him point a missile launcher at my face and then say 'Hello'... Obax42 (talk) 00:02, April 24, 2016 (UTC)
