Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I'm not sure if it's a cave thing, something specific to Nopah, or exactly what, but when I entered here, I didn't know there were any enemies, they were not appearing on the radar. --DaedalusMachina 20:19, January 13, 2011 (UTC)


So what else is new in this game?

Whenever I try to get into this cave, no matter whether I go left or right, as soon as I can see down the passage the game crashes to desktop, sometimes so badly the computer needs a hard restart.`

I hope Bethesda and Obsidian make piles and piles of money out of this game, and use some of it to, you know, hire someone who can actually program a damned computer! Wunengzi 06:40, January 27, 2011 (UTC)
