Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Does Night Person provide extra skill points if you level at night? (I'm guessing no, but has anyone checked?) -- 05:05, 24 November 2008 (UTC)

[in fallout 3] This perk is VERY useful in fallout 3, considering that if the time goes too late you can just wait 12 hours without penalty (save loosing Well Rested bonuses). This is a very fun perk to have and the fact that it works indoors just makes it more fun.

To the poster above, re: does this add to the Skill points gained at level up if it happens at night: The answer (at least on the XBox 360) is no. Just as any article of clothing or meds that modify INT do not. (Modifiers to SPECIAL traits are not considered when you level up. Only something, like the bobblehead, that actually change the trait.)-- 15:55, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

I wish they would make a patch where this perk also gave you better vision in the dark like an actual vampire.

With the bonuses only counting as temporary, this is IMO one of the worst perks in the game. Sure it'll give you a whooping 24 extra skill points but only if you take on the hassle resting every 12h. Seeing that there's no penalty for wasting time, this doesn't add anything to gameplay but is only there to annoy the player. There's much better perks at LVL10, even if you only take Intense Training for IN+1 you get a permanent +16 skill points (+6 for the stats and +10 for the remaining 10 levels). Like Impartial Mediation, this perk is IMO only useful for roleplayers. Golan2781 12:08, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

Solar Powered Night person? Can this perk be taken with Solar Powered?[]

Y/N? Jetty 11:01, 15 February 2009 (UTC)

Yes. None of the perks are exclusive. Golan2781 12:08, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
Solar Powered sucks. dont take it.Crimmastermind 05:51, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
Heh,if you screw up the time-scale the bonuses of these two become over-lapped,i think CryonBrio did i video on it. Fiedoggist High Priest 14:27, 16 August 2009 (UTC)