Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What does the interactive generator do here? You're given the option of shutting it down, but nothing happens. The generator is near the camp fire and crucifixes, on the ground near the side of a building. 14:45, November 14, 2010 (UTC)

Something interesting, I was just sniping all the Legion troops in the town on my way through to another location, once they were all dead a squad of NCR Troopers stormed the town the same as if I were doing the Restoring Hope mission. I did not have this quest in my quest log at all or even visited Camp Forlorn Hope. They did not kill Dead Sea though. It almost seemed like they saw a weakness in the garrison and attacked. --Webley 15:05, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

I somehow glitched up/ messed up nelson: I found Ranger Milo on the road west of Nelson, and spoke with him about his mission where he wants me to kill the three near dead NCR soldiers being crucified in Nelson (Back in your own Backyard). I did not want to murder some NCR POW's, so I decided to run in guns blazing. Killed the entire camp of goons EXCEPT Dead Sea and two men who happened to be in the barracks at the time. I completed the mission, all three NCR troops escaped, so I just left the barracks alone. I come back WAY later down the line and discover a massive pile of NCR soldiers (alive) in the middle of Nelson (near where the crosses for crucifixions and a blazing campfire are) just huddled together looking like they are fighting over a quarter on the ground smack between them! Literally a perfect circle of men, all facing inward, every once and a while running, but not moving. There are 16 of them. I noticed that Camp Forlorn Hope sends a squad of 3 up the mountain to the Northwest of Nelson, then they make their way down and join the rest of the mob. Am I the only one experiencing this one?

Got that too. I run in to rescue the POWs, and there are loads of NCR soldiers - and then the game freezes.Kalaong 05:51, January 15, 2011 (UTC)

I had that happen to me too and my game lagged so bad I almost had to shut off my 360. I ended up tossing a plasma grenade at the NCR troops while in [HIDDEN] mode just so I could unstick my game. I had the meltdown perk and it rained green goo for about a minute and a half before my game caught up with me. Zac hemker 07:04, January 27, 2011 (UTC)

dismembered but alive NCR trooper WTF?[]

Between nelson and a NCR camp i found a NCR trooper, is this normal? was it a glitch? or was intended? also he talked like a generic NCR trooper, he was so creepy that i killed him lol.

It is normal - other than the fact that it talked to you normally. Usually they are supposed to say things like, "Kill me." and whatnot. They are, in my assumption, placed there carefully by the Legion in order to draw the enemy toward the mines that often lay under them. --Chefwillis 18:08, January 8, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah what chefwillis said is probably right because if you kill one of the wounded NCR troopers the legion will be hostile towards you even if you are at positive reputation with them.--Terminator512 13:34, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

Stealth Boy[]

Can anyone confirm the stealth boy listed in notable loot? If so where is it because I cant seem to find it. ReapTheChaos 19:31, January 7, 2011 (UTC)


User: Connorwar, recently added the word trenton randomly throughout the page. It is fixed through "Undo". Exosion 00:55, January 13, 2011 (UTC)

Game freeze[]

Is there any way to fix the game-freezing glitch when you enter the baracks in Nelson? I want the unique weapon, but everytime I click the door, the game freezes. I play on Xbox. --Felix. 13:28, February 7, 2011 (UTC)


In my playthrough I am going through right now, I am idolized by the Legion. Whenever I fast travel to Nelson, all members of Legion there will be hostile towards until I use a Stealth Boy and they are no longer hostile. Has this happened to anyone else before? Also, along with the Legion Raid Camp, only one member of the Legion there will be hostile towards me. Again, has this happened to anyone else? All of this is experienced on the 360. TrailerParkApe TPA 22:45, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

Tesla armour?![]

It mentions Fallout 3 Tesla Armour in the bug's section...is this correct? --Obsidia 14:30, September 1, 2011 (UTC)
