Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Possible BUG--

Schematic will not show up in craft list, but will show up in pipboy Data-Misc after pickup. even if i don't meet build requirements shouldn't it be possible to see it on work bench? (PC) --Mardulf 17:46, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

Virtual Reality Flight simulator[]

Does anyone know for sure whether or not you can use the Nellis Virtual reality pods?

Possible Bug--

If you talk to Loyal once you're idolized, after pasing a 55 Speech, he provides you with a code to use the flight simulators, but there's no way I can use them afterwards. (PC) --Zat.

Nov 26 2010--

I've done most of the Boomer quests and passed the speech challenges for Loyal as well as with Pete in the museum, they pretty much say too bad we can't give you the codes to use the machines. As of yet it does not look like you can use the machines at all. --Anon

Possible Bug[]

Xbox 360- Each time i fast travel to the nellis hangars on multiple playthroughs, both Loyal and Jack are stuck in one area in the hangar. Turning them hostile caused them to chase me but when i left the area and returned, they were stuck there with very few speech options available. Help?

I arose the B-29 and it is currently being finished up in the Hangar but I cannot find Loyal or Jack anywhere around Nellis... where do they go after the bomber is being finished?


Why was the bug for the hangar never updating removed from the page? There is a link on the Volare page but when you come to this one it’s gone. I looked in the page history and someone had added a verification tag to it, then two weeks later removed it altogether. This bug has existed since the game was released, what more verification is needed? Looks like someone is getting edit happy. ReapTheChaos 23:55, June 18, 2012 (UTC)

Well I posted the above 6 months ago while playing through on Xbox, I am now playing on PC and I’m still getting the same bug. It seems to do with Jack and Loyal being in the hangar when you complete Volare, so the hangar never resets to the new one. I tried several different ways of getting them out of the hangar both before and after the quest but nothing worked.
I’m guessing it has to do with them fixing the bug where Jack and Loyal would leave Nellis and get stuck at Black Mountain inside the mountain, preventing you from doing old school ghoul and young hearts after Volare was done.
The solution that used to be listed on the page is the only fix I found so I’m posting it here.

  • Jack may become stuck in the old hangar after completing Volare! and may not exit the hangar, thus you'll never see the nearly fully repaired B-29 in the new hangar. To fix this fast-travel to Nellis Hangars then on the console type prid ff268, then moveto player. Then while still on the console click on the door to the hangars (00104A3E) and type disable. Jack will then re-enter the new door to the new hangar (001093DC). ReapTheChaos (talk) 14:24, January 3, 2013 (UTC)
Sometimes it's Loyal that's stuck in the old hanger instead of Jack. In that case use prid ff26a instead of prid ff268 and follow the rest of the procedure. Zzsignup (talk) 08:17, February 22, 2014 (UTC)