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Fallout Wiki


Does anyone else think it's too easy to get into Navarro? I managed to get in at Level 2. Granted I stole some ammo and a Bozar and managed (after a few reloads) to evade the Enclave patrols, killed Chris and get into the base. Then you can waltz right up to the lockers and get some of the best weapons in the game. Deliver the plans to Matt and you've got 240 shots with the most powerful weapon at the game (Pulse Rifle). Does anyone else think this is a little too easy? I know it's sequence breaking but shouldn't the lockers be at least locked?

Possible conversation at Navarro...

Enclave Soldier 1 "Hey some of those lockers hold some of our better gear, do you think they should be locked?"

Enclave Soldier 2 "Nah, what's the worst that can happen.

Five hours later...

Chosen One when he walks into the room, "Hey these lockers are unlocked," Sees the awesome gear inside. "Jackpot!"

Anyone else think this is a valid point?KnightNapier 23:42, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

It's not. What you're doing is classic metagaming, since you know where Navarro is, know what to do to get inside and abuse the save/load combination. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 11:32, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Not entirely true, I found SFO and Navarro by mistake, literally 20 minutes ago, because the game isn't entirely linear it's possible to do these things. In a way I think it's almost more realistic, in that there needs to be no special events for certain locations to exist. Navarro would be there whether or not Arroyo was established, it's just interesting to come across it without being informed.Aryeonos 02:43, March 3, 2010 (UTC)

Something I find interesting is the lack of mention in this article about the deathclaw inside, I'm still pretty new to FO2, otherwise I'd do it myself. I'll research Fallout Wiki elsewhere to find some connections.Aryeonos 02:43, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
How many times did you get killed by Enclave patrols? Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 07:53, March 3, 2010 (UTC)


In the article it mentions that the deserter Will Brandice in Fallout 3 has a 12 year old son which is appartently proof that Navarro maintained itself for some time after the destruction of the Oil Rig. I do not understand what point is being made; so Brandice has a 12+ year old son, he also has a wife who we can pressume is the mother, it is never mentioned anywhere that they are also Enclave deserters, probably wastelanders he met in the past 35 years. Is it saying that Brandice had the child whilst at Navarro, meaning that it was the Enclave Base (because it was the largest mainland outpost right?) till around 2264? Highly Unlikely? May I have permission to delete? Adam James Walker 12:50, July 24, 2010 (UTC)
  • Read the dairy on his computer. He stated that he was a former scientist working for the Enclave in Navarro. Since it takes years for someone to travel all the way across from one side of America to the other, it made sense that the base still survived at lease for a few years after Fallout 2.

Gannon in FONV was born at Navarro 4 yrs after the Oil Rig was destroyed(2243) and can remember when Navarro fell, so you would assume Navarro fell about 2251 or 2252. Part of Van Burens(2253) back story was the NCR-Enclave conflict, in which Shady Sands was almost destroyed by the Enclave. This must have been the last straw for the NCR and decided to finally put an end to Navarro once and for all. Also, since you have ED-E getting repairs in Chicago, while on his way to the west coast, you might assume some of the Enclave evacuated Navarro and went to the Chicago installation. William Brandice was originally from Navarro but could have easily been part of the Enclave who escaped to Chicago, then decided to desert after arriving there. With all this said, I still think Navarro has a small secret Enclave installation. ED-E was sent off to Navarro in 2277, at least 25 years after Navarro fell. Either that or Dr Whitley did not know of its loss, or more likely that the true fate of it has been classified for the sake of morale (similar to the classification of deaths associated with early advanced power armor). But Fallout likes its secret installations, as seen in all the Fallout games.--Wert1978 (talk) 16:05, February 10, 2013 (UTC)

Fort Bragg[]

Google maps link --Kris User Hola 21:33, October 16, 2010 (UTC)

I was redirected to a different Fort Bragg near the east, I apologise. Adam James Walker 21:55, October 16, 2010 (UTC)

It is indeed pretty close to Fort Bragg. Growing up in that area, though, I'd say it's actually geographically closer to the much smaller city of Point Arena or the town of Manchester, given the base's proximity to the geographic Point Arena (located a few dozen miles south of Fort Bragg).

Of course this may all be a moot point, since the geography of the early Fallout games isn't very precise (Bakersfield/Necropolis is located south and east of L.A. instead of north and west of it). Niirfa-sa 21:43, July 10, 2011 (UTC)


Why does it say that followers found him? It said in the outro that ED-E just vanished! Terrorblades - This is recorded live at 16:05, September 14, 2011 (UTC)
