Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The reference?[]

Where/when do any of them say that? YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 16:55, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

They don't. whoever added that confused this page with the ncr emergency radio frequency. --DragonJTSLeave me a message 06:15, October 25, 2010 (UTC)


Might this be based on the "enclave commander" mod for FO3, much like the new weapon mod system is based on "Weapon mod kits" --DragonJTSLeave me a message 06:15, October 25, 2010 (UTC)


I'm pretty sure this goes in the aid section of the PIP-Boy. Shouldn't we document it as such?

It's in the miscellaneous section and has to be used from there (No idea why) -- 14:22, November 1, 2010 (UTC)

Nope, mine's definitely in the aid section. 05:13, November 28, 2010 (UTC)


do you automatically get it or do you have to do something to get it? Deathclawpoop 01:46, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

Once your rep with the NCR is high enough, a ranger will approach you and give it to you --DragonJTSLeave me a message 22:15, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
I have been playing for well over 30 hours, 20 of them I have been at least "liked" by the NCR. I was wearing NCR armor for most of the game, and I'm up to the quest where I have to deal with the great khans in the west, given by the commander at the hoover damn, and the radio was never given to me. I spent an hour at different locations, fast traveling, going in and out of buildings, and just simply waiting; it simply isnt coming for me. Why? 23:02, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
I'm having the same problem, I'm idolized, I've gotten all the way to the very final quest, I've done all the others, I've wiped out Cottonwood Cove and The Fortress, including Caesar (with Boone's help) and took back Nelson. I've been to Golf, McCarran, all the outposts, including the Mojave Outpost, and Hoover, but still no Radio. I have the safehouse key for crying out loud! What else do I need to do? Is the ranger lost in the Mojave? If I knew where they started from, I'd just go there and wait for days. Did the Ranger die, perhaps? Are they scared of my Anti-materiel Rifle?-- 08:27, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
I completed "Can You Find it in Your Heart?", cleared Nipton and Nelson, then started knocking off the tasks for Camp Forlorn. Midway through taking updated comm codes to the various stations for "Return to Sender" I stumbled across Camp Golf and started helping McCredie with the Misfits. Once I finished rifle and grenade training with the Misfits, I had a ranger run up to me and give me the NCR Emergeny Radio. I used it immediately to call in an equipment drop. A few seconds after retrieving the cache, another ranger ran up to me to give me the radio again. Now almost every time I return to Camp Golf, a ranger comes running and gives me the radio again (even though I have it in inventory already and even have a ranger with me already). I'd suggest Camp Golf if you're trying to trigger this event. I can't go there without a ranger throwing a radio at me.Dbushik 19:58, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Im about to start a new game after seeing Republic part 2 and how massive it is for this damn radio. Im also wanted to do a whole game without fast travel anyway got halfway on fallot3 but was bored. BUT I SWEAR if i dont get this radio after restarting, i indefinitley will strangle somebody. indefinitley. Please someone post when patch is up.

Meaning you will strangle someone for an unspecified or infinite amount of time? Or that you're unsure if you will or will not strangle?

I finished a game in NV for NCR. 110 hours of gameplay and I was idolized by NCR before hour 50. I discovered all the 187 locations. Did ALL, read that again ALL the quest in game in a pro-NCR manner. and I never got not even a small mention of it. 18:15, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

after this whole week of searching i beleive its like i said, it disqualifies you for any bad rep no matter what. i couldnt for the life of me remember when i did this, i restarted then when got to medic tent in camp forlorn after going "ooh i remember raiding this place last time" halfway through i realized after "bad karma" "NCR infamy" came up also, and even one of this i think glitchs out the delivery since the whole system is reputation based

From reading the above posts, it sounds like some players are constantly in NCR faction armor. The scripting may require the player to be in non-faction armor to receive the radio, in addition to never having dropped below neutral with them. ElectroFlow 23:32, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

Well I am in my SECOND playthrough. First was 60 hours pro NCR no faction armor as I used Leather Armor Reinforced untill i got my hands on the Vault 34 Security Uniform. NO RADIO MENTIONED. Second is 105 hours. Pro NCR. I did all quests and found all locations. I can pretty much tell you 'been there, have it'. I know every single piece of Fallout Nevada avaiable. and fuck, NO RADIO MENTIONED. AGAIN! I am using a XBox 360. So, you guys have any piece of advice for me? Because apparently, I am not the only one with this problem. 16:27, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

I have been awarded thr radio, managed to use it once, for a supply drop I can't find (will try the CompleteQuest Command later) and no matter what I do I now no longer have enough Reputation with the NCR despite having completed a number of quests etc. Not exactly a great module within FNV?--Desktopcarl 06:51, December 10, 2010 (UTC)

Word of advice, NCR ARMOR WILL RESET YOUR ENTIRE REP WITH OR WITHOUT!!! Now, the last time i played through NV, i got nothing. THen again i didnt care so much about rep as long as i could buy and trade with the people i wanted to. I got the radio this time through before i even reached Novac. When you start, DONT wear ANY faction armor, DONT do anything negative towards the NCR. Work like a good little boy, and help the nice people, and work your way towards the Mojave Outpost and try to keep your karma good, then do STRICTLY NCR missions, all side missions, anything you can do to help NCR... Might help to kill some ghouls and some powder gangers in the process as they give + karma... This is how i did it ( however after goodsprings i ran strait to Med clinic for implants and ransacked the SIlver Rush for their energy guns to sell... I might have dont a little something in Freeside but thats it. Oh and I has a charisma rating of 1


Is there any way to get rid of these guys once they have been summoned other than their death? When you currently have a ranger with you, calling for a ranger makes the one you have disappear, but then the new one comes running. Talking to the ranger you have just makes them annouce their readiness. I see in the bugs section of this article, someone is making a reference to problems with dismissing due to fast travel away from the incoming ranger trying to join you. I assume this is just an error, but hoping I'm missing something and can get this gal to stop following me without actually directly or indirectly killing her. Anyone know how to dismiss?Dbushik 19:58, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Respawning ranger?[]

I called in a ranger and she was killed by the Securitrons at the Vegas gate. Now whenever I fast travel there she will respawn and get killed. It's a good source for ammo, cowboy repeaters, dog tags, etc. Anyone experience this?

Maybe a bug?[]

I was on my way to Brewer's bootleging when I hit a swarm of those mutated insects (cazador?) and so I used the radio for help. No one ever showed up but the message "you're follower has died" appeared 5 different times while I was battling the swarm.-- 17:10, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

Emergancy Radio Bug?[]

I waited 24 hours on the wait system and it said NCR Support Exhausted Resupply at 24 hours. --FalloutFan900 18:01, November 11, 2010 (UTC) Yeah, That happened to me too, I was going to do the bounty quest for the guy in Mccaren, and I got the first recon guys to help me find the guy. I called in Ranger Support, and just ran straight into the fight, days later the ranger didnt appear nor did dismissing the soldier do anything. I'm using a PS3, Supply drops worked fine though, Perhaps I need to go to Camp Golf to have that guy give me radios and that would "Refresh" it.

Ranger support only once?[]

The article says that the ranger can only be called in once. I had a ranger following me around for a while and she was killed by the gatekeepers as I tried to enter the strip. I was able to call in for another ranger to follow me afterward. Katt509 23:18, November 14, 2010 (UTC)

i was only able to call for support once but i was on v1.00 at the time. I havent usd it yet on the new patch so i dont knwo if it was fixed or if it only effects some people

Use after Don't Tread on the Bear[]

The article states that you can't use it after you fail this quest, but I find it to be not so. unless I am expiriencing a glitch, I advocate we remove it from the article. I'm just playing it safe and making sure before I do something like that.-- 04:58, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

I could also use it so I deleted that bit from the article-- 02:47, January 2, 2011 (UTC)

Can't Get It[]

I can't seem to get this thing for some bloody reason

Veteran of the Wastes 04:01, December 13, 2010 (UTC)Veteran of the Wastes.

Help With Xbox[]

I have been playing Fallout New Vegas for the past 5 to 6 days. I have an idolized reputation with the NCR and have never come across a ranger with a NCR Emergency Radio. I did nothing negative towards the NCR's reputation and completed some NCR quests. Could someone advice me of a method to acquire such Radio?

This has been reported multiple times,,,,waiting at the Mojave Outpost is probably your best option,,,,,take of any ncr armor your wearing 2 that might help with reputation 21:10, December 14, 2010 (UTC)

Does it even work...?[]

No matter how deep I am in NCR territory, I can never get it to work (even in the Mojave Outpost)...and I'm playing on a 360. 05:58, January 8, 2011 (UTC) U cant wear any faction armor


After downlodaing Dead Money '--ON THE PC-- You will never believe how I got the radio, I downloaded Dead Money and I went to the abandoned BOS bunker as I was supposed to do and when I opened the door to the room where you are knocked out in, that hugely dramatic moment, the ranger who gives it to you was waiting on the other side and scared the shiz out of me. Deathclawpoop 18:20, January 9, 2011 (UTC)

After Finishing "Good Old Sun"quest. '--ON THE PC-- Did it in Pro-NCR manner.It was the first quest i did that gave me good ncr reputation points.I Choose New Vegas/Strip option, i didn't active the defense system from Helion 1. I accepted the reward from that guy called Fantastic,afterwards I left the building and the NCR- Ranger appeared and gave me the radio. Before i received the radio my reputation with NCR was "neutral" and I had "Hated" reputation with Caesar's Legion(Although i don't think caesar's reputation had anything to do with it). I Didn't have any DLC's (such as Dead Money) . I only had Two mods (armor mod and a scarf mod)--Overkill Inc 11:20, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Deletion of Emergency Radio[]

There's another article about the radio called Emergency Radio. We should probably delete it to avoid confusion. 21:03, February 13, 2011 (UTC)

The article you have linked there is the quest that occurs when you call for supplies. It's not the same thing as the actual radio itself.--Zachary Solt 00:48, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

Cannot get it[]

I cannot seem to obtain this, can someone help me 02:11, February 22, 2011 (UTC)Veteran of the Wastes

Yeah me too, im at the end and still nothing.... im accepted by the NCR but nothing is happening. --Mary roc 18:29, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

same here. im idiolized by them and nothing. no radio.

Not even count as a companion?[]

When I called the Ranger support, she come within a minute, and will fast travel and fight with me. However if I entering an area with doors such as houses or caves, she will immediately leave after I entered the area and head back to Camp McCarren. So I can only use her when I am staying at the wasteland.

NCR are cowards![]

Somehow Trooper and Ranger start to follow me normally after I sneak killed them at Camp McCarren. They still are very buggy, such as losing their trail in casinos. The most craziest thing is they tend to RUN AWAY if they are not fighting against Legions, Fiends and Great Khans. It looks like they tried to steal the fine equipments I reverse-pickpocketed to them(Miniguns with AP ammo and Ranger Combat Armor)back to NCR. lol

Aid or Miscellaneous Item?[]

The first line, header, of the article lists Stealth Boys as Miscellaneous items. The article indicates that you activate the radio via the Aid tab of the PIP-Boy. Is it a Miscellaneous item (Miscellaneous tab) or an Aid item (Aid tab)?

Overpowered Ranger?[]

With my latest char, I've avoided the usual Mojave Outpost/Nipton/Novac route and snuck through to Vegas via Sloan. I did DM and HH and am now at level 21, cleared Quarry Junction and boosted my NCR rep at Sloan. When I got to Mojave Outpost the unnamed Ranger ran up and handed me the radio (oddly he appeared inside the main barracks/office, and initially I thought he was Ranger Jackson, so I was surprised when he ran off into the desert).

Anyway, I called in my Ranger support and headed off to meet Vulpes Inculta... I get into Nipton, and before Vulpes starts dialog with me, she whips out her Cowboy Repeater and starts blasting the Legionaries! They remained friendly to me so I stood back and watched, and the crazy woman took out the whole lot: 5 or so Legionaries, two Mongrels AND VULPES and still had 81HP!

Do the Legion in Nipton not scale or is the Ranger seriously overpowered? I'd at least have thought Vulpes should scale to the player's level?

Ranger Following me when liked by NCR[]

Well, i've been playing 70 hrs or so, and so far did alot of NCR side-quests, and everything else was pro-ncr or tailored to not piss them off... So after I got "liked" status I decided to do a BOS mission (without adversely affecting NCR rep) and so I went to camp McCarran to start another NCR mission to complete simultaneously with the BOS mission. After leaving hidden valley bunker, I fast traveled to Camp McCarran and when I appeared at the front gate there was the usual NCR ranger standing there- but now I'm inside runnin around the place and she's following me like shes my companion... Honestly I dont really care much if she tags along and helps (as long as she isnt a trigger psycho like arcade is, hes enough to deal with along with ed-e getting in my fuc*In way). But after looking up this problem online all i am seeing is people getting hunted down by the NCR or calling for backup... This is making me nervous cause im a stealth kelpto- and I dont want her making alot of BS and then catching me stealing to finally blow my own fuc*ing head off... WTF!!?? any ideas???

Have to be accepted?[]

Are you not allowed to have ANY infamy with NCR to get it? I'm a "smiling troublemaker" and I would like to know. 23:38, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

game crashing after patch[]

anyone else having the game crash if u try to use it after patch 1.6?

guy was killed.[]

He died by securitrons in my game. I fast traveled to the north gate and he spawned in the gate where they told him he didn't have clearance, and killed him... fortunately I dont mind much because I'm siding with legion anyways, but just wanted to report it to other people. be wary of traveling to north gate on strip once you do some NCR quests. 08:50, July 9, 2011 (UTC)

Trooper support exploit?[]

I was at the top of the hill that leads from searchlight, I called a trooper support and ran.. On my way down my trooper engaged a legionary explorer and a legionary dog. During the fight I noticed that the trooper at times was disappearing and then reappearing instantly. After reappearing he would draw his weapon and carry on.

I managed to get him to kill 9 legion and 2 legion dogs. He managed to kill a group of 6 legion (including Aurelius of Phoenix) and a dog, all by himself.

It seems that when he disappear he dies (no corpse is left) and that for some reason the game will respawn him.

After he finally caught up to me and spoke to me, I went back into the camp, where he got killed.

edit: using 360 with dead money and honest hearts but haven't started either yet.


can any of the people related to this item follow you into dlc areas. i was going to ask about only the ranger/trooper but someone said the guy who gives it you can follow you into the big MT. i know you can't activate the item in the area but can they follow you there from the mojave.

Patching May Fix (Xbox)[]

Finally received the damn thing after patching on the Xbox.

is there an equiilent of this for other factons? or something else they give?

Yes, Caesar's Legion gives you goodies if you have earned Caesar's Favor, ('liked', a disquised frumentarii tells you about it), you pick it up from boxes near Cottonwood Cove every few days. Caesar's favor is MUCH better than NCR's supply drops. The Brotherhood also gives you ammo for energy weapons, (in a box in their bunker in Hidden valley), also for being 'liked'.

Form ID[]

Does anyone know the form ID of both the ranger and trooper? Specifically for the ones that follow you.

First Ranger killed, Encountered a Second Ranger - both with radios[]

I was on the Strip when I was given the radio from the first ranger, but I was not aware of the North Gate technicality about gaining clearance to enter (or exit), when the Securitron killed him, I looted his body and went on my way.

Then after several hours of gameplay and I forgot about him (meaning that I never even tried to use it), I ran into a second Ranger NCR Sharecropper Farms and gave me the radio again. I went on my way and he lived.

Now I'm at Bitter Springs and getting read to set up for the grand finale of Boone's quest, but I keep getting this message, Outside NCR Operational Area - Relocate and repeat transmission."

So where in the Mojave Wasteland is considered to be the NCR Operation Area? I tried just south of Bitter Springs and in the center of the settlement and I got the same message.

What if I only encounter one Ranger and he died after giving me the radio but I never used it and he was not a companion when he died, does this mean that I will never be able to use it for anything?

Does this have something to do with not activating the "Don't Tread on the Bear!" quest yet?

P.S. My current Reputation with the NCR is idolized, and my Legion Reputation is Neutral. I was going to use the troops for the quest so that they can kill the Legion raiding party since they don't have an impact on my rep with either of them when they kill each other (if I was the one who killed either of them, then that's another story) Psychomaze 19:27, October 22, 2011 (UTC)

EDIT: This works fine at Camp Golf

I usually do the little jobs at Sloan giving me just enough NCR rep to get the radio, and that's close enough to the powder rangers that I like to run around them and get them to kill each other. Nice way to get some loot for free. Heck, I do the same with regular NCR troopers that I spawn in using the radio, it's a good way to also get NCR dogtags that one might need later for either Tags of Our Fallen or Arizona Scavenger (5 NCR Dog tags for random food = 12 Legion fame). RedSnt (talk) 14:54, 11 October 2023 (UTC)

Worth the Hassle?[]

I just recieved this as an Item after Fast travelling to Gun Runner's. Do you only get on use out of it? or is this like the Euclid's C-Finder? You keep it but only one use a day? the page was confusing. I'd like to know if its worth it? Current patches and Xbox 360

Currently lvl 18, Liked: NCR Accepted: Goodsprings, Novac, BoS, Strip, Boomers. Neutral: Freeside, White Glove Society. Vilified; Legion, Powder Gangers, Khans. 05:32, April 25, 2012 (UTC)TheNewVegasJoker

i cant get it[]

how do you get the radio i have been playing fnv for 160 hours and i am good natured rascel and i have not been given it to me where do you have to be in the wasteland and what time to get it?

NCR Companions useless[]

It might be something people haven't noticed, but when facing difficult threats (Deathclaws), the NCR companions, both Ranger and Trooper, will quickly turn the opposite direction (literally) and run as far as they can, becoming utterly useless in the combat situations, so if you think you can rely on them, don't. The only way you can keep them still is through luck it seems, talking to them as soon as the fight starts sometimes keeps them in place to realize "OH, You're in trouble? OK!" instead of booking it. It might be the Companion Nerve system (I doubt it, seeing as they're only temporary companions), seeing as I have a 1 Charisma.--Zerginfestor (talk) 10:46, February 26, 2013 (UTC)

It's easy to check if that due to Nerve or not. You at CHA 1? Take Mentat, party Mentat, one beer/vodka/whiskey/scotch. That should increase CHA to 6 at the least. Now check!Laclongquan (talk) 15:17, April 23, 2013 (UTC)

Base ID[]

The ranger and trooper both seem to have reference IDs but I can't seem to find a base ID, which is required in order to invoke the setessential command correctly. Using resethealth and forceav to set health to something nuts like 200 or 9000 doesn't seem to have any effect, they're both just as easy to kill. Isn't there some way to make them immortal?

Also, here's there stats. Interesting trade-offs:

NCR Trooper: refID = 15f4f4, Health = 50, Guns = 46, Melee = 46, BigGuns = 47, E Weps = 15, Unarmed = 15, NCR Ranger: refID = 15f4f5, Health = 217, Guns = 100, Melee = 15, BigGuns = 5, E Weps = 17, Unarmed = 100 Noobyorkcity (talk) 05:33, September 9, 2013 (UTC)

The base IDs are listed in the following pages (confirmed via "GBO" command):
Emergency Radio NCR_Ranger_(Fallout:_New_Vegas) (Base ID: 0015fb77)
Emergency Radio NCR_trooper (Base ID: 0015fb7b)
Noobyorkcity (talk) 21:09, September 1, 2018 (UTC)

Legion Assassins[]

It hapen to me evry time, i use radio to call for suplay box then renger come and do same dialog whit me and i finish quest wen i finde box. Then if im not in some specific areas Legion assassins whit emidiatly start searching me. It even hapen to me to track me inside Repcon but he just turn back and ran away. I even notice performance problems, if you are in speific areas they cant engage you so they just constantly burden your PC until you live that area and kill them.


It says in article that NCR troopers and rangers can be brought with you into the Big MT, because they are not permanent companions. Can I bring them into the other DLCs as well, in that case?

Lolzarz (talk) 11:26, July 5, 2014 (UTC)

XBOX 360 Ultimate DLC Edition. Lvl.50. BIG MT .Access Using the Transponder one can travel to the Sink Balcony with the NCR Ranger and enter the Sink with the Ranger but once inside one cannot get the Ranger back though the Big MT door nor to the Think Tank, nor back out onto the Observation Arrival Area. This leaves the Ranger stuck in the Sink rooms. Transponding back to the Mojave Crash site will leave the Ranger still stuck in the Sink at big MT. There seems no non lethal way to get the Ranger out of the sink and back into operation once in the Sink.Then add a Trooper into the Sink and both Trooper and Ranger are locked in together.Otherwise either or both can be used round Big MT as well as in and out of BIG MT doors. Played since 2010 alternating with Fallout 3.

The Divide ? No access.

Northern Passage? No access

Dead Money? No access.

Long 15? Ranger will kill Ghoul troopers

Dry Wells? Ranger runs and hides

--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 15:57, August 20, 2014 (UTC)
