Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Not worth the caps[]

Since 2 of the 3 functions this offers are already taken care of simply by sleeping in a bed, this "upgrade" is definitely not worth the nearly 1200 caps! I wipe out rads easily enough with RadAway, so I haven't purchased this for any of my characters.

They really should have made this work like your very own doctor - i.e., can cure addictions (change the My First Lab) and radiation. The bed handles injuries, so they didn't need that here. Or lower the cost for this "upgrade" significantly!

Maybe Bethseda could have given you more incentive to purchase this - like crippled limbs required a doctor rather than simple bed rest?-- 17:35, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

I bought it for 999 caps, and thats nothing in this game. Its well worth the 900-1500 caps, just because it removes the annoyance of radiation poisoning. Also it basicly makes rad away useless, which means you can just sell any you come across. So far ive made my 999 caps back ten times over just by selling spare radaways.--Greig91 00:04, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

ID wrong[]

It's 7dd51

Just checked in the geck and your right, I'll change that.-- 08:23, October 1, 2011 (UTC)