Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Pip-boy Terminal[]

In one of the huts in Murder Pass there's a broken terminal with a picture of Pip-boy taped to the screen.

I remember adding this to something like a Trivia section, the Trivia not wanted on this Wikia anymore? Spellunker 04:29, December 14, 2009 (UTC)
You can add it to the article under "Notes" if you like. "Trivia" has been renamed "Behind the scenes" and is used to refer to out-of-game stuff.--Gothemasticator 04:35, December 14, 2009 (UTC)
I only added it because I thought it was funny like an easter egg kinda thing Spellunker 04:40, December 14, 2009 (UTC)

What followers don't enter?[]

According to the article, Sydney won't enter Murder Pass. On my game, neither will Sticky. Is anyone else aware of other followers not following? StarfishCostume 18:56, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Back Entrances[]

As you make your way in Murder Pass, you keep seeing Vault-Tec signs "Keep out. Not part of tour" I know the caverns were a pre war tourist attraction but there are 3 back entrances to the vault. The one you use if you take Murder Pass, another thats caved in, and the one in the Great Chamber. I think, before the purpose of the Vault was changed for the experimentation of FEV, the initial purpose of the Vault included the use of Little Lamplight Caverns.--Wert1978 (talk) 01:15, May 4, 2013 (UTC)

Well, it is odd for a vault to have another exit aside from the main door, and I can speculate as to why they might've designed it this way, but it would only be speculation. However, why do you say that the original purpose of the Vault was changed? Was there something that implied that the FEV experiment wasn't the initial intent? Darkness Squall (talk) 22:10, June 8, 2013 (UTC)
