Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Ingredient Items affected by the Patch[]

The Wiki article indicates that it is easier to make Mother Darkness than it is to make Bleak Venom.

It took me quite-a-while, cross-checking the four poisons that used share identical ingredients (Bleak Venom, Mother Darkness, Silver Sting, and Tremble). I had to search each one individually on the Patch 1.2.31x article.

It would be helpful to readers if the change due to the Patch is noted on the affected articles as well. A reader who doesn't know about the Patch could read the Mother Darkness artlce and become confused.

Even more so if they read the Bleak Venom or the Silver Sting articles (since both no longer require 5 White Horsenettles.

Many readers go to these Wiki pages because they want to know which items are ingredients for recipes or required for completing quests. They are trying to determine which of the many New Vegas items should be kept (in storage) for future need, versus just leaving them where they were found, using them, or selling them. Even with purchasing the games' guide book, the information remains incomplete or scattered.

The "Official Guide Book" has done a poor job at providing the data in a complete, all-in-one-place appendix. It really suffers from not having a table-of-contents at the start of the book, to allow the reader to find exactly what he is looking for. The O.G.G. has SOME information on pages 32-35, SOME on the table on pages 65-66, and SOME scattered throughout the book or in the incomplete appendices in the back. One of the chief complaints I read online or hear from my friends is that there are so many "unknowns" when it comes to the items found.

If the Wiki articles can help clarify this, especially for actual quest items that the O.G.G. does not list as quest items (i.e., they only list SOME of the Main quest items, many of the side-quest or unnamed-quest items are not listed as QI (quest items) on the tables. By the time a player is ready to begin one of these side-quests, or gains enough Survial Experience to craft recipes, they have already sold or used many of the items needed.

Still a stub?[]

Is this article still considered a stub? Does it need the stub thingy at the bottom of the page still? LlamaLlamaLamp 09:49, July 6, 2011 (UTC)
