Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


It is also possible to find a Deathclaw wandering around here as well (XBOX 360). One just took care of the Raiders for me. I'm currently lvl 18 so perhaps the Deathclaw was a leveled enemy here. It was actually a welcome distraction, as I'd just taken down some Talon Company mercs and didn't feel like facing the 8 or so Raiders, so I stayed sneaky and waited out the fight. Facing one Deathclaw when irked and weighed down with loot is better than one mob of well-equipped Raiders, imnsho. However, facing a Deathclaw and a mob of Raiders would likely be an unwelcome surprise for a lower level player, so keep an eye out. - Fembot G.g3 05:13, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

Yeah one time there was some Enclave (with one of thier controlled deathclaws) fighting both the raiders and talon company! Enclave eventually won.... 02:47, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Talon Company[]

Anyone confirm that the barn is a Talon spawn point? My last 2 games (X360) - upon climbing the silo and emerging on its balcony, 3 Mercs have spawned inside the barn. 10:11, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

I usually play 'evil' characters and yeah, Regulators/T.C. seem to pop up fairly often when exiting the silo. HBS75.69.104.65 02:34, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I've had these mercs too, so it's definitely a spawn point.-- 17:15, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

Confirmed on Xbox 360. I cleared the Reservoir and surrounding area before looting the silo. When I exited onto the balcony, 3 Talon mercs spawned in/around the barn under me. metalheadHippie "It is not when or where men are born, but what they do that makes them brothers." (talk) 19:31, February 8, 2014 (UTC)

North Western Barn[]

The water in the bath tub has wrong textures, mostly those of the ground (various kinds of dirt) varying depending on the angle and distance you look at it. XBOX360 23:28, April 18, 2010 (UTC)
