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Miss Fortune and Mysterious Stranger together?[]

Does anyone knows what happens if we have both? Can they appear both at the same time in such case? - ZuTheSkunk 05:34, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

I've got both of the perks, but never have seen both show up before. Miss Fortune turns up often enough, but I'm noticing the Mysterious Stranger doesn't show up anywhere near as much as I remember him back in Fallout 3... Maskedmustelid 09:35, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

I dont even think you need them both becouse you only get one roll. Im my opinion Miss Fortune is far mor superior, she can effect grup of enemy close to each other make you realy lacky person if someting explode but even just cripling and knocking down enemy make it pecious. Tho is wery fine line in balance depending how often you use VATS and for what, it can make her irelevent, OP or just suprise you when it hapen but if you have luck for it i consider her worth it.

Yes both can appear but not at the same time. Fo3 Enclave eyebot[[user:The Enclave General|Enclave GeneralEnclavetrooper

The Jerk[]

Worth noting that her outfit bears an uncanny resemblance to the character Patty from the 1972 film "The Jerk" daredevil outfit (bar the headdress and shoulder pad)?

Added to character page Agent c 14:26, October 18, 2011 (UTC)

Surprisingly Vague[]

I've been doing a bit of research on Miss Fortune and the Mysterious Stranger and I just find all the info really vague on both pages.

The first issue is the Mysterious Stranger's page. The Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas topics are condensed into one whole section. This suggests that the perk works entirely same way it did in both games (mechanically). But I really refuse to believe this. Their both entirely different games, and I imagine the developers would have tried to fix some of those issues in New Vegas, and/or fix them in subsequent patches.

This semi-leads into my second issue. If the Stranger is so buggy, as his page would suggest, why does Fortune's page mention almost no bugs at all? It leads me to believe that perhaps many of the bug issues associated with the Stranger may have been resolved in New Vegas (based on how similar they both are).

The third issue is what is the chances of the Stranger or Fortune appearing? Does the chance proc when you enter VATS, and then when you take a shot/s? Or is it based on each shot made in VATS? And with the Stranger, I've heard his attack has a chance of activating only when your enemies have low HP. Is this still the case in New Vegas? Does your luck score factor into the chance at all? In regards to the last two questions, is Fortune the same way?

And my last question is how do these two perks function together? I assume that they do not stack (i.e. 10% chance + 10% chance = 20% chance). However I do imagine that they both have a chance of occurring during each VATS event. I.e. 1 in 10 chance for Stranger, and then 1 in 10 chance for Fortune. If both proc at the same time then I guess that another one in two roll takes place (or prior) to determine which appears. This would mean probability wise, this is more like a 19% chance of activating at least one of them during each event (p = .19 = 1 - (.9^2)

On a personal level, I'm mostly asking this because I'm really curious if both perks are worth taking. The characters I play tend to be snipers, and I use VATS sparingly, like in a "saving throw" mentality. I figure if something deadly does manage to close in, I could activate VATS with a pretty decent chance to activate either Fortune or Stranger. If my assumptions are right, and I'm able to get the "Friendly Help" perk too (doubles their chances of making an appearance), then I should be able to achieve a pretty good chance of actually activating them in that "saving throw" type of situation. Taking the above assumptions into account, if I shoot 3 times in VATS, with a 20% chance to activate Stranger, and a 20% chance to activate Fortune, then I overall would have about a ~74% chance of activating at least one of them during each event (p = .737856 = 1 - (.8^6).

Of course, all of that differs wildly based on how it actually works. If one or the other are extremely buggy then their is no way I'd take the perks anyway. If their chances proc less than I suspect, then the perks wouldn't be worth taking. If the chances proc more than I suspect, then even greater reason to take them. -- 10:07, May 7, 2012 (UTC)

It's only vague to you because you want it to do something it doesn't. Think of it, if it was per shot, minigun+stranger would be the best thing in the world. It's a flat 10% per VATS use (if you actually do something other than enter than leave). Whether it's additive (one roll table for both) or multiplicative (two rolls, one for stranger and one for miss fortune) is less clear, but you're talking about a difference of around a couple percent. In all likelihood, it's either just one roll table (since you can't do both, so a strictly multiplicative effect would be nonsensical) or I woudlnt put it past the developers to do something silly like a total 10% chance to do either. ( 13:04, May 7, 2012 (UTC))
Also, I don't know where you "heard" it only affects enemies with low HP (certainly not here). I've completely missed tough enemies and still had stranger come by and off them.
"It's only vague to you because you want it to do something it doesn't. Think of it, if it was per shot, minigun+stranger would be the best thing in the world." You misinterpreted my meaning and responded quite rudely. I was asking whether or not the chance for them to appear is set when you enter VATS (game wouldn't tell you if they did or not), or if it's set during each individual action you take within VATS. Say I have a 90 maximum AP and a gun that uses 30 AP per use. In the former example, it doesn't matter how many actions I take with that gun. When I enter VATS, the game determines whether or not they'll appear if I decide to take a shot. However, in the latter situation, if I use 3 VATS actions (90 maximum AP -30AP, -30AP, -30AP) then their would be a chance for Fortune or Stranger to appear within each individual action. Rather than the actual act of entering VATS. This also means your chances of seeing either Fortune or Stranger appear one time is increased, since their is more trials (1 opposed to 3).
I don't think it's just one roll table. It just seems silly the developers would devalue their own perks in such a manner. That's why I was suggesting that if both were to proc at the same time, then their was probably some kind of hidden roll on the side that determined which of the two of them made an appearance. Or perhaps one has higher priority over the other. In any case it's just speculation on both our parts unless somebody turns up some cold evidence.
"Also, I don't know where you "heard" it only affects enemies with low HP (certainly not here)." - Not saying I believed it. Just wondering if it was true. Because obviously if it were true than that 10% is actually much lower in practice. Read it somewhere after a google search (probably GameFAQs forum post). -- 04:52, May 8, 2012 (UTC)