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Once when exiting the family tunnels into the trainyard I was approached by a character called "Mel", who threatened to rob me. The response I chose was something along the lines of "If you were really a raider you would have shot me already", at which point he admitted his shotgun was not loaded and assumed the "fleeing" pose (for ever, I came back some time later and he was still cowering in the same place). Possible reference to the second mad max film (played by Mel Gibson, someone threatened by a shotgun that is later revealed to have never been loaded)?

This is a random event. Mel can appear at any of the Random Event spawning locations, of which the Trainyard is one. --DarkJeff 15:57, 5 December 2008 (UTC)


Can anyone alse corroborate the Firelance being located here?Fourthgeartapped 21:55, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

Firelance is a random event. Firelance 22:06, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, I just checked it's not there. I'm deleting that from the article.Fourthgeartapped 00:49, 19 November 2008 (UTC)

I can tell you that I was playing yesterday. I'm about 11 hrs into the game. I walked by Meresti Trainyard and it said the new location discovered blah blah. Almost instantly the explosion in the sky happened and fiery debree fell to the ground. I have been searching all around the area but have had no luck finding it yet.

Meresti Trainyard - someting strange - was attacked by good characters...while having "Very Good" karma?[]

I visited the Meresti Trainyard (this is before I got to the GNR building and started the GNR quest) and there were two wastelanders there, standing between the two train tunnels, smoking some cigarettes. They were both non-hostile when I approached them so I started talking to them. After the basic "pleasantries" the one I was talking to asked what I was doing there. I chose a response that said something along the lines of "I heard arguing and was wandering if I could help?" or something like that.For that the guy said that they were looking for the oasis (even got it mark on the map)- than, without even giving me another dialog option, he immediately said something about them not wanting to share this info with any "wastelander who passed by" (or something like that) and then the conversation was over and both of them became hostile and started shooting me! And when I killed them I lost Karma!

Now - What was that all about?! why did they so suddenly attacked me? (since I lost karma I assume they were good guys)

At the time (before killing them) I had a Karma status of "Very Good" (750+ ?) (I didn't checked immediately after killing them, but about an hour later - of real time that is - I check accidentally and had a Karma of only "Good" - I guess killing them was what got me down)

It's a random encounter, not tied to just this place. No idea what it meant though. :p
-- Mirar 13:59, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
This is the random encounter where two wastelanders are discussing Oasis. It should have been added to your map. I didn't get negative karma when they attacked me and were killed for their efforts though. Although I can't remember if I killed the, or if Dogmeat and Star's flamer did. --DarkJeff 15:56, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Weird Raider encounter...[]

The first time I emerged from the Meresti trainyard tunnel, I picked up the sounds of several raiders (five red markers on my compass) situated in the open area between the two tunnel exits. I lobbed a pair of grenades that took care of the bunch, and proceeded to grab their weapons and ammo. After leveling up a couple of times, I fast travelled to Meresti from my Tenpenny Tower suite (my character is on the bad karma side). I appeared smack-dab in the middle of another band of five raiders (one of them unarmed and in his underwear). I started backpedaling fast while raising my Chinese Assault Rifle, and they all turned to look at me, raising their guns, but they didn´t open fire. The display still showed them as hostiles (red), but not a single shot was fired. I took my time switching to frag grenades, and dropped one right in the middle of the pack, taking out four of them and leaving the last one with a couple of bars in the health meter. Only after the explosion did he shot at me a couple of times, but he missed due to being crippled. I finished him off with a 10mm gunshot. They were all carrying the same gear as trhe first time. Has this happened to anyone else? I´m on the PS3, BTW.

  • It's a regular random encounter. In my experience, they do the same thing, they show as hostiles, but when I come closer they don't attack, if I stand there for a couple of seconds, they eventually attack me even if i don't attack them.-- 04:17, December 14, 2009 (UTC)
    • I'm using the Trainyard bins as storage, so I'm quite frequent there. When I fast-travel to this location and the Talons already respawned (I am good), they appear as red, but they just walk up and down, looking into my face but not attacking and my companion does not attack them either. I'm not sure if it happens this way every time (as I remember, sometimes they attack on sight), but at least half of my visits start like this. I can do whatever I want, I can follow them running (not in stealth mode), they detect me but no violence :) Flashy7 21:57, February 7, 2010 (UTC)

weird merc.[]

i fast travled there and had one enemy on my map and he didnt attack me it was a merc in a regulater suit and a 10MM pistol and he never attacked me nut when i talked to him he said he was going to kill me but never did came back later in the game and fawks for some resone attacked him it was wierd encounter ever

weird merc.[]

o ya too the wierd merc post i was on xbox 360

Friendly ghost ?[]

leaving from the right hand exit of the train yard i often notice a "friendly" mark on the radar , but when i get close to it , it vanishes ! any1 else notice this ?Rippa1889 10:20, July 6, 2010 (UTC)

Raider camp[]

There is a raider camp to the southwest of the trainyard with ammo, misc items and obviously raiders.

Should this be added to the article? 09:01, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Has this camp been added on another page? It is a reoccurring encounter fond in every play though and the raiders always re spawn with in 3 to 4 game days.

Their base down by the dock is at least a "notable" location. Has this been addressed on another page? if so I would be grateful for a link to it.

Thank you User SP Bad Medicine SaintPainLook for me Dec 22 Y'all know what I'm say'n. 12:12, September 17, 2012 (UTC)
