Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Unable to talk to Melody[]

Melody is there and i have her bear. I killed everyone inside the camp a while ago. Now, I cannot open up a dialog with melody or siri. Am i still able to give melody her bear back? I never initiated the quest before killing all the legion in the Fort.

Melody escapes?[]

I couldn't get Melody to give her quest after I slaughtered the Legion camp including Caesar. So I figured it's one of those things where I talk to her again after some time has past. I used a nearby campfire, I have that perk where you can sleep at a campfire, and slept for 2 days, 24 hours at a time. When I came back to her sleeping bag where I always find her, I noticed she was gone and nowhere to be found. I did leave the gate open, is that why? 04:00, October 2, 2012 (UTC)radDOC

Does Melody belong to the NCR?[]

I was wondering about the name of her teddy bear.

Why would she name him Sergeant Teddy? It's not normal for someone to give their toys military ranks.

But if she was raised on a NCR base as a military brat (a child of a family who serve in the armed forces), she'd be very well versed in the chain of command, which would probably explain why she gave him a rank.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Legion were enslaving NCR kids, just to be extra mean to their enemy.

--Tilarta (talk) 07:02, August 10, 2013 (UTC)

Melody not appearing at all[]

In the bugs section someone wrote it may be due to fighting in the arena, but i reloaded to a save before i fought in the arena at all, and she's still not appearing >:( This is right after reporting back after the securitron vault. I remember in previous saves doing this unmarked quest after that so i know that's not a cut off point. Would be silly if it was anyway since it's so early on in the legion quests
