Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Should I be ashamed of the fact that the first time I met them they kicked my ass? I was only level 3. BOSPalidan 03:02, January 28, 2011 (UTC)

Playing through with Wild Wasteland for the second time, and I left some frag mines outside while I went to collect FISTO.

Exited the building, the frag mine killed the first of the three and the other two just stood around being non hostile.

They have a limited dialog ("What do you want?" or something similar) to which you can reply with only 'I have to go now', and that is it.

So I exploded pants on one and hit the other with a shovel... as ya do... :)

Anyone else had this happen?

-- 13:38, February 9, 2013 (UTC)
