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Fallout Wiki

I took out the following text from the "Notes" section because it was poorly written and not needed in the article. - OPM 06:08, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

This can be a very dangerous place indeed, i have encountered 3 OVERLORDS!!! one with a tri-beam laser rifle, another with a gattling lazer, and the third with a super sledge. Moral of the story - this dangerous place is also pretty good for getting some XP if you have enough ammo and assuming you have Broken Steel.


i encounter 4 overlords 2 with gatlings 2 with super sledges also 3 centaurs 2 super mutant brutes and a deahclaw about 40 ft away and after killin the muties and deatclaw i got about 100ft before encountering an enclave out post with 2 seninary pots a hellfire troop an officer and another deatclaw not my easist day out in the wastes


That area generally seems to be a hotspot for though enemies if you have Broken Steel installed. When I went there the last time, there were 2 Overlords, 3 - 4 Maters/Brutes, 1 Normal Super Mutant, 2 Centaurs in the camp and just outside 2 Deathclaws and 1 Albino Radscorpion.

So yea, seems like an area where it doesn't hurt to be a bit careful.

so, i was just a bit north of the mason dixon salvage when i noticed a deathclaw about 100 yard away from me. i go to shoot it with my dart gun in V.A.T.S. and as i shoot it the camera seems to follow my dart up into the sky. the camera then focuses on the deathclaw which looks like its being abducted by aliens. after the V.A.T.S. camera is finished watching the deathclaw i personally see the deathclaw jump out of the atmosphere about 3 times, after which it finally dissappeared.... 19:01, May 5, 2010 (UTC) Rowan
