Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Having his stats, and the equipment types he can use, here for each stage/level would be nice. I think someone did that for some of the others. This will remind me or someone else to update this page. Hopefully. --Fez 03:30, 18 Mar 2005 (GMT)

Was Marcus ever one of those crazy children of the Cathedral?

Dialogue File[]

I know his dialogue file is on this website, I've read it before...but a link isn't in this article. Since finding it is hell, could someone put a link?

The dialogue file link is in the infobox on the right. Ausir(talk) 05:25, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

Marcus LEFT![]

I just barely got Marcus and took him on a caravan to Gecko. When we got to Gecko, I left him so that I could do several quests involving both Vault City and Gecko. My Karma Rating went up while doing this (I stayed a good guy). I returned to Marcus and talked with him, but when I asked him to come with me, he said "I thought you were one of the good ones. I ain't coming with you." Why doesn't he want to travel with me anymore?

He won't join you if your wearing enclave armor. TM95 15:18, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

Same Issue[]

I had the same problem. I am a slaver, so I thought it might be a result of that, but if you've never been one, then I doubt that's the problem.

I do have karma > 250 and it's only increased since he joined up, so I'm wondering what's going on. I read that there's a voice recognition chip in vault 8, but I don't want to lose Marcus in the process.

I kind of used him as a pack mule. If I give him stuff to hold and later take it away to sell it since I can't hold it all, will that piss him off?

If you become a Childkiller he will leave, also depending on certain actions he will also disagree with rejoining you and it may be a reply having to do with to many party members with you.--ZasZ 23:40, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

I think it's better to ask this in a forum, like NMA, than on a discussion page in a wiki. Ausir 00:03, 22 August 2008 (UTC)

Marcus pic[]

Does anyone have any idea what the vises and valves on Marcus are about? tour86rocker 05:32, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

He has a moonshine distiller on his back. That Furry Bastard 09:29, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
If I remember correctly it was stated in the Fallout Bible that it was a cosmetic decision by one of the talking head designers for FO2, just to make him look better. xNOKIx 16:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)


Does anyone notice if you talk to him in NV once and re-initiate dialogue anytime after that, he'll say

"what's on your mind?", exactly what fawkes said in FO3

Not notable. Just a standard npc response.--Gothemasticator 03:21, December 8, 2010 (UTC)


Is anyone else seeing the New Vegas Marcus picture with the caption showing his name to the right of his picture and "in Fallout: New Vegas" beneath his picture? Doc Swiss 03:38, January 5, 2011 (UTC)

I thought you should all know...[]

Marcus is a boi... :3 The Dumpster behind KFC 09:23, January 23, 2011 (UTC)

Also is it possible they could have put a little more effort into his interactions with the player in new vegas... such as making him a temp follower or maybe more quests involving him? Marcus is a boi 10:05, January 23, 2011 (UTC)

Thank you! How the hell come Marcus isn't a follower in New Vegas? Or at least a temporary follower for a handful of quests. And why isn't he packing a mean minigun? It's Marcus! Come on! Zac hemker 01:55, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

marcus is not the only one outside the legion to pronounce it kaiser[]

easy peate also pronounces it kaiser at one point in time and he is outside the leagon though he seems to prefer to pronounce seaser


Has anyone else noticed, Marcus is the only Super Mutant with lips?

  • Well they all have lips but Bethesda's model doesn't have any animations for the face besides moving up and down with an angry face. Other Mutants like Marcus have lips too but they're pulled up by leather straps. -- 05:57, December 24, 2011 (UTC)

Fallout : NV, Marcus BUG[]

Sometimes an angry bighorner spawns right next to Marcus (patch and kills him. There is also the possibility that Marcus kills the bighorner first, but as the bighorner respawns every 3 days...

This is unfortunate as it ruins the quest Marcus is supposed to give and affects the ending video.

Did not notice this bug before patch

BigRhino 17:28, July 13, 2011 (UTC)

Quote 4[]

Rotating quote 4 doesn't work, it just shows "{{{content4}}}". User Broccoli  OfficialLolGuy  Talk  Blog  00:43, December 24, 2013 (UTC)

Health regeneration[]

Like Mean Sonofabitch, he regenerate health over time. A cazador attacked him, he punched the shit out of him, then he quickly stopped losing hps for the poison. I went to sleep in jacobstown, and I saw he had 3 hps more than he had before. Apparently, he restore 1 hp in 3 hours, if the pc spend those hours in Jacobstown. He doesn't regain health if the pc is in an other cell. Perhaps all the Super Mutants share this health regeneration perk?--Damx (talk) 15:17, December 14, 2014 (UTC)
