Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


isn't the title of this challengee 'doom of the machines' or something like that? Wasteland Jesus 00:49, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

Or maybe it has a different name per each level, like e.g. "A fistful of hollars" and "For a few hollars more" does. Anyway I just got level 1 called "Demise of the Machines" but I don't know how to change the page name here. --Suedez 19:10, December 27, 2010 (UTC)

The challenge is called "Demise of the Machines", but the perk is called "Machine Head" and seeing as this page describes the perk, it doesn't need to be renamed. Dwaz 19:14, December 27, 2010 (UTC)

easy completion?[]

Has anyone tried to rank this up (somewhat) quickly by just killing the respawning Mr. Gutsy Prototype in Nipton? Considering it's encountered fairly early, it would make some quests (Lucky 38 bunker under "The Fort" pops in my head) a breeze

  • If you or anyone else wants to wait 72 hours at a time just to kill one robot over and over you can have at it. ReapTheChaos 13:51, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Bugged or by design?[]

Couldn't it be possible that this perk gives you the ranks before you earn them because there simply isn’t 150 robots in the game to kill? The developers might have simply changed this script as a quick fix after realizing killing 150 robots was to high a number to accomplish.

Also, and this is something I question a lot on these pages, with the perk reporting rank 2 and rank 3 and skipping rank 1, has it been confirmed (in the GECK I suppose) that you’re only getting ranks 1 and 2? And if this is the case, shouldn’t there be some sort of notation made to that effect? By that I mean, a standard notation that something has been confirmed via the GECK. As it stands now any idiot can add misinformation to a page. There should be some way to determine if its correct, not only on this page but on any page that’s reports scripting errors such as these. ReapTheChaos 23:46, May 30, 2011 (UTC)


It appears this perk has been patched. (Xbox) It no longer misrepresents the ranks given. After 50 kills, I received the “Machine head” perk. After another 50 I was given “machine head 2” however rank 3 is unobtainable. I have killed well over 75 robots since getting rank 2 and rank 3 doesn’t come up. ReapTheChaos 05:37, June 13, 2011 (UTC)

Where to find enough robots for this perk ?[]

Here´s few places :

-H&H Tools

-Crashed Vertibird

-Weather Monitoring Station (inside the Fort)


-Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ

-New Vegas Steel

Any more places to whack robots and stay neutral ?

(I dont want to attack Mr. Houses securitrons or Boomers guard robots) BigRhino 15:49, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

The bots at New Vegas Steel re-spawn every 3 days or so, which can be helpful. Also, the Securitrons guarding The Strip entrance gate re-spawn about every 4 days. They ARE killable without infamy gain or Mr. House quest line failures. You simply need to remain hidden while you kill them. Sniper type weapons (including scoped Laser Rifle) and Stealth Boys can be useful for this.

Subjective Strategy?[]

Why is it not a valid edit to list one of the only locations in the game with robots that actually re-spawn? Much easier for users if it were listed on the main page (as I have tried repeatedly to do) than to have to hunt around for the information. Besides, MANY pages on this wiki list strategies that could be considered "subjective" but they are not removed. Consistency please: either allow my edit to stand, or remove ALL "subjective strategies" from ALL pages, would seem to be the reasonable options. Discussion invited. Not trying to be rude, just trying to learn and contribute. Gqcrescent 23:12, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Strategy is removed whenever we find it. If we had more man-hours, it would be done overnight, just like every other project. Just because some existing page isn't perfect at the moment doesn't mean the same error should be allowed elsewhere.--Gothemasticator 02:53, July 5, 2011 (UTC)
That being said, I don't believe it is subjective or strategy to include the facts that a) robots are scarce in the game and b) robots respawn in one particular place. The particular wording you used, "which is useful..." is where the main problem seems to be. I'll add the info back in, worded more objectively.--Gothemasticator 02:55, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

Thank you for the answer, it was very enlightening. I am still new at this, and I will learn from this mistake and your correction. I hope I did not come across as accusatory, but instead merely curious. Hopefully I can contribute some of those man-hours myself. Gqcrescent 05:03, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

Does this Stack with itself?[]

Does the damage bonus, upon reaching Rank 3, total to 19%? Or is the past bonus wiped out and replaced by the new total, making the final 10%? -Alister Poe 16:09, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Chances are it'd be the same as other damage-increasing perks (10% total) AR700SAW 22:03, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

I never bothered going out of my way to get one rank in any of those perks, let alone two or three, so I wouldn't know. But now I do, so thanks. -Alister Poe 01:59, July 25, 2011 (UTC)
