Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

usable via console commands, looks very weird[]

so you use the additem, and immediately after the equipitem command, if done right you will have an invisible item equiped in your inventory, this can in term be used to inflict heavy damage, but equiping a new weapon will delete it.

A similiar thing happens in skyrim when equiping the giants club, this is because, outside of the engines being similiar, the games never INTENDED you to use these weapons, by the sheer fact you're adding such an item to your inventory, forces the game to make an temporary untitled library upon forcing your player to equip it, whether unusable or not, the effect is there, but usually not visually apealling with low FOV. 09:42, November 11, 2015 (UTC) Editor Email: SueSakamotoTakari@gmail.com
