Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Better Images needed[]

Anyone got anything better than the stretchy ones that exist now?--Gothemasticator 10:38, February 6, 2010 (UTC)

Bumble and Lucy player models?[]

I reverse pickpocketed a suit of Power Armor onto Bumble to get her unique pyjamas before sending her off to Paradise Falls. I came back after a couple of game days and encountered Lucy, who is now wearing Power Armor, despite me never giving anyone but Bumble in Little Lamplight Power Armor. Now that I think about it, Bumble had the same hair as Lucy when I first encountered her, so maybe the models could be set as the same? -Pratstercs 20:52, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

See my reply on Bumble's talk page; and in the future please refrain from posting the same thing in multiple places. --Kris User Hola 22:29, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Doctor: Heals HP[]

Is there any condition you have to meet for that to happen? She does cure my rads for 100 caps, but when asked to heal HP she denies the request.


Are we sure this is the right Lucy who marries MacReady? He says that when he met his wife he told her he was a soldier because he didn't want to admit he was a man who kills people for a living. Lucy from Little Lamplight would have grown up with RJ and known him as her mayor and childhood playmate.

Not the same person[]

Cant be the same Lucy that is MacCreadys wife in Fallout 4 as he mentions telling his wife when they met he was a soldier instead of a trained killer which would mean he was a agunner when they met which he obvioulsy wasnt until he left Little Lamplight Blitzbear93 (talk) 05:04, December 19, 2015 (UTC)Blitzbear93

Agreed that there is absolutely no proof that this is the same Lucy who married MacCready, also no proof to say it's not. We can loosely speculate that he left Little Lamplight, became a mercenary in the Capital Wasteland and then met her again later when she left Little Lamplight telling her he'd become a solider - but it doesn't really fit in with the Fallout 4 game conversation. Maybe a note on this page as a possibility since there's no proof one way or another - but I don't think it's right having it in her info box.

The conversation he is talking about specificly says first me, implying that they never met before he became a merc.

(Im not the guy up there), well it would make a great story though. Although, I do argue that it makes sense because of their relationship as children, but it's a good speculation 15:37, February 25, 2016 (UTC)

At the very least it poses an interesting possibility. But we'll never know either way due to the complete lack of proof either way and I agree that it's not right to add that information to her infobox based solely on fan speculation. For all we know he could have met and married a different Lucy - perhaps he has a thing for the name because of her. --Enigma24 (talk) 07:36, March 25, 2017 (UTC)