Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

-- Has anyone hacked the computer terminal in Lucky's near the front entrance? I don't have the science skill to use it. If anyone has, please update the page with the details of said terminal. Thanks!

This terminal is only used to unlock the floor safe. --JoranK 15:37, 19 December 2008 (UTC)


I just entered Lucky's, and the scavenger was perfectly willing to sell me junk. -- 21:45, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

What the floor safe Have are:

Bottle Cap around 7 or more Pre war money and 2 Stealth Boy

Crutch/Steam Gauge[]

I couldn't find either of these in the shop in my game.

This is the same for me. 22:15, April 20, 2010 (UTC)

Bugs Section[]

The Bugs section notes that "occasionally a Deathclaw will materialize in the store."

I haven't encountered a Deathclaw yet, but on my first visit to Lucky's I watched two Protectrons fire upon a nearby Robobrain. I soon lost interest and entered Lucky's. I picked up Pugilism Illustrated, exited and was jumped by the same three robots. Panicked, I ducked back into the store to prepare for combat when all three robots stepped into the store! I used the store shelves for cover and soon disabled all three robots. I remembered the Lucky Shades, but discovered I couldn't reach the glasses; they had fallen to the mannequin's base.

Eventually I returned to get the Lucky Shades. Three Talon Company mercenaries caught me loitering around Lucky's store. They too pursued me into the store, but I didn’t leave until I had the Lucky Shades.

My third visit to Lucky's was different. Instead of being chased, I found a Robobrain just inside the entrance and a Radscorpion, perched on top of a shelf, fighting a Yao Guai, sitting on the cooler.

Paint gun[]

First of all, I found a deathclaw outside Lucky's at level 20. In other news, I couldn't find the Paint Gun (as in for the dart gun) anywhere. Is it not there, or did I somehow just miss it? Thanks in advance for the help! 18:05, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

On that crater: Is it not possible that the bomb that fell there was either A: Not of a megaton class, therefore being too small to destroy the store, yet still big enough to leave the crater, B: a bunker buster that burrowed in before detonating, or C: partially defective, thus causing failure to produce full yield? It would explain the crater, but the store still being there.

It's also possible that there were other structures that managed to protect the store. If you look at the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, you will notice some random buildings somehow survived in a sea of rubble. It is entirely possible, therefore, that Lucky's store survived the blast. Perhaps that's how it earned the nickname? This would also explain why Tenpenny Tower stayed structurally sound 200 years after the bombs, tho it fails to explain why the wrong side is boarded up. Maybe Bethesda originally intended it to face the other way? 20:21, 28 June 2009 (UTC)

Stuck behind mannquin?[]

In my current game I as trying to get the shades and am currently stuck behind the mannequin :( any fixes for this?

The same thing happened to me. You'll habe to re load a saved game. If the glasses fell off the manneqin, you'll havt to crouch and rotate the camera until is says to take them.--Дикий Человек Вампира 05:22, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Yao Guai VS Mister Gutsy Encounter[]

(Xbox 360) I experienced a random event when I fast traveled to Warrington Station. Don't know if that interests anybody but... I was just wondering if anybody else has encountered this?--HeadphoneDisaster 23:37, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Sorry, sounds like two random baddies just went at it. Not a random encounter. Nitty 23:41, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Notes in relation to the name, 'Luckys'[]

The part of the Notes that says:

  • Beyond the game boundaries, a very large crater can be seen behind the store. Obviously a bomb was dropped there. This doesn't make sense though, as Lucky and his neighbor's building is still standing.

... may be misleading. The fact that a bomb has dropped behind the building and the building is still standing (and in good condition really) is 'funny' when you notice the name, 'Luckys'. So in fact, 'Luckys' was lucky to have survived a very close bomb blast may be a better way to word location and local environment. 04:46, February 1, 2010 (UTC)

Is it really this hard? This is a game, not real life. Its there for looks, it dosen't have some story behind it...CheezeWEEPツ 04:54, February 1, 2010 (UTC)


I had a recurring issue in my game (PS3) in that whenever I left the store, Dogmeat would spawn inside the pile of debris next to the door. The second time it happened he somehow managed to worm his way free, but the first he was just stuck in there and disappeared entirely once I got too far away. Did anyone else encounter this problem? Might be worth noting if so. --Abatesnz (talk) 00:58, June 18, 2018 (UTC)
