Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Luseeus or Lukeeus?[]

You know how the Legion likes to pronounce a letter C with a K sound? I was talking to Kyzar, and he called Lucius "Looseeus". Shouldn't that have been "Lookeeus" if he wanted to be consistent? So for this reason, I am going to destroy SEE-zar's Legion!! Yeah that's right, SEEzar!!! Ha ha ha!! I'll teach him not to be inconsistent!! Snooldex 23:21, January 28, 2011 (UTC)

Cae and ci produce different sounds. :/ Nitty Tok. 23:42, January 28, 2011 (UTC)
Oh well, too late now! Die Legion!! Snooldex 03:03, January 29, 2011 (UTC)

Post-Game Legion[]

If one of the three endings (Mr. House, NCR, and Independent Courier) were to be taken as cannon, and assuming the Courier kills Caesar (either in-game or with the securitron attack on The Fort) and the Legate in his camp, then would Lucius be crowned as the new Caesar? I think it would be pretty interesting to see how he would rule the Legion. He may even bring the Legion to a more sensible and peaceful faction. What do you think? WilliamDouglasCampbell 11:20, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

There are many differences between a respected leader of Praetorian Guard and a Caesar. i dont say he couldnt ascend, of course, as his position is third most important precisely for that possibility. But he lacks the visions that Caesar possesses, the things that linked ex-members of many tribes together, or the visions about what a Legion should be without Caesar. He could hold together a big group, grasp a big slice of Legion territory, but I doubt he can keep the current Legion intact. For another thing, he lacks the aura surround Caesar as War God walks again. He's just a great warrior, raised from the rank. not even at the level of Joshua Graham.Laclongquan (talk) 17:27, March 28, 2013 (UTC)

Third Man?[]

This article describes Lucius as being the third highest ranking in the Legion, but the game appears to point to Vulpes Inculta having more influence. True, it is Lucius who appears to be in command at the Fort when Caesar is comatose; likewise, Lucius is presented as the obvious candidate for second-in-command if Lanius takes over. However, Vulpes is mentioned much more by NPC's both within the Legion and outside of it. Vulpes also presents himself with that archetypal Legion dogma and theatricality, and he is highly respected within the Legion. I'm just wondering if we can say for certain that Lucius is third man. The game is unclear regarding the extended Legion hierarchy. --Stichstrahl (talk) 09:41, May 29, 2014 (UTC)Stichstrahl
