Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

In my experience the build area at this settlement (as well as the lumber mill and visitor's center) has two zones - one inside the perimeter of the fog collectors and one outside that perimeter. Within the perimeter building works normally, but outside of it different rules seem to apply.

For instance:

Inside the perimeter the build menu will not let you create a dog cage. Opening the build menu outside the perimeter will allow a dog cage to be built.

Inside the perimeter turrets like the heavy machinegun will scale their level normally. Outside the perimeter you can only create level 1 turrets.

Building a robot workbench inside the perimeter will function normally. Building one outside the perimeter will seem to function, but any bots created will not assign properly and will disappear if assigned to a supply route.

Table debris permanent[]

I'm not sure about anyone else, but it seems the debris on the table in the cabin simply won't go away. Normally, that junk goes away when you move the object or scrap it, but the only result is floating garbage. Anyone else get this oddity? Thieverpedia (talk) 08:22, February 14, 2017 (UTC)

Workshop area bugged[]

Only two cells in the center/east of the island are in the location "Longfellow's Cabin" (LongfellowsCabinExt, LongfellowsCabinExt02 see image below). About 60 percent of the builable area are in generic wilderness cells with no location and therefore no workshop related keywords (e.G. LocTypeWorkshopSettlement, LocationProhibitDogs). This is the reason for the odd behavior on the north, west and south side of the island:
- Cages for dogs, gunners and raiders are buildable.
- All machinegun-turrets are Mk1.
- Settlers in this area have only generic Harbormen responses and the Player cannot interact with them (e.g. open inventory, trade, heal, hair cut).
Valid area

- Build service workstations like trading posts near Longfellows shack or on the east side of the island.
- One can temporary command/move settlers to the valid area to interact with them.
- Build Mk7 machinegun-turrets inside the valid area and move them afterward to the desired points.

--Tommygun11 (talk) 16:29, September 1, 2020 (UTC)
