Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Behind The Scenes stuff[]

Re: Point #3 - The large circular cowling on the side looks about right for a turbine. Steam turbines are efficient at speed, but were inefficient at low speed at takeoff. Irrespective of that, given that a lot of "energy exchange" is hand waved (for example, how does the Fusion Core power the Power Armor exactly?? What about the cars?), then it's entirely possible that the intention here was to give the look and feel of a steam turbine locomotive (although I'd be be letting someone else drive that thing around any corners, thank you very much. Far too top heavy!)

Re: Point #4 - Water isn't a problem if the locomotive has a condenser and a closed loop system - the limiting factor would be cooling the water mass effectively. Little evidence exists that there is condenser vents on the locomotive at this point, although I haven't looked closely, but it is certainly a way around needing water. There are some vents here but nothing on the order of magnitude you'd need in the 'real world'. (To this end, space could be used on trailing trucks or carriages but there is no evidence that this would have been done - plus, that's getting away from the point of the article.) Mctaff350 (talk) 05:48, November 26, 2015 (UTC)
