Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Note Verification[]

In the single note that is listed, it states that the 666 on the overseer slide is "a reference to the mythical Anti-Christ in the Bible." Is this confirmed? It could just be a coincidence..
Butterfly Signature ButterflyKiss :3 17:41, September 12, 2011 (UTC)

The Elder Scrolls Reference?[]

Has anyone else noticed Daedric letters in some of the Loading Screens? The only ones I've seen are the ones on a lightswitch, on the left side of the loading screen that shows two posters, both broken out, and the frame on the right one has fallen out. They appear to be the Daedric letters for "O", "H", and "B". It could be my imagination, but it seems too coincidental. 10:10, December 6, 2012 (UTC)
