Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Complimentary Vouchers[]

Is it true that you can get to the camp before end game with a certain amount of them? If it is true, how many and how do you use them? Boone123 09:32, March 18, 2011 (UTC)

The amount? A lot. Use? If you drop them, they float in midair, allowing you to jump onto them.

Personally, I don't have dead money, but was able to reach th LC, not by using the out-of-map glitch, but by using c4 to rocket myself over the invisible height walls. Granted, this took a monumental amount of time and I was disapointed that Lanius himself was absent for the frat party I threw, but I marked the location and jetted the hell outta there. 03:01, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

Legion Ghost Camp[]

Should there be a page on the "Legion Ghost Camp" even though it's outside the map? There's pages for other items requiring console commands. Hefe 19:32, August 15, 2011 (UTC)

We can get to the Legion Ghost Camp without using console commands, on our Xbox360, and no climbing Dead Money Vouchers, either. (See our description of how to get to the Legate's camp from the Devil's Throat in the notes section of that write-up.)DarthOrc 06:42, August 16, 2011 (UTC)DarthOrc

Oh, I know. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant that given it is technically a place, even though there's no map marker, could there not be a page on it? Hefe 23:40, August 16, 2011 (UTC)

On PC, you can actually reach the Legate's Camp before beginning the Battle for Hoover Dam. I just used toggle collision and literally ran to it. The legionaries will be present (and hostile), but the legate himself is absent. This was a not-legion playthrough, so when I went to his tent and tried to enter it, it gave me a message I've never seen before. "This door lock from the inside."
