Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

"In the icon, it incorrectly shows the Vault Boy having two left hands."[]

... no it doesn't.

If you REALLY want to argue details, it's impossible in real life to put your hand behind your back in such a manner as is show in the picture, see [1] for a demonstration of how it looks. The hand in the picture would have to be with fingers facing us to be a right hand, but it's the thumb that's actually facing us, thus it's left hand. Of course this is not real life, but that's the only way we can more or less decide whether the statement is right, since we can't see behind Vault Boy's back. --Jonathan Strange 15:14, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

... yes, it does. As shown in the picture linked above, the palm is facing out if you have your right hand behind your back. That means the thumb should be out of view, and the fingers should go from the back to behind the grip instead of the other way around. Hold something pistol-shaped in front of a mirror to confirm for yourself. Trust Jonathan, even if he is strange. In this, at least.

Yeah, their right. I found their description difficult to understand, and the picture itself is equally confusing. The easiest way I figured it out is that your right arm, if it's behind your back, would have to have the top portion of your hand (and arm) touching your backside to be in such a position. This means your wrist is going to be sticking outward. In the picture it's the opposite. The Pip-Boy's wrist is touching his backside, and the top of their hand is exposed outward. It's two left hands.-- 06:53, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

does this apply to plasma weapons? or just lasers?[]

does this apply to plasma weapons? or just lasers?

I'd assume it just applies to lasers, from the description. - Jay of Gamerfill.
yeah the same, affecting the gauss rifle maybe ? cant trust the descriptions 100% everytime :)
No. the description is accurate, nothing else (verified). Not the plasma weapons and not the gauss rifle.--Croquignol 16:30, November 13, 2010 (UTC)
I added the info based on the information from game files, so it technically cannot be more accurate.--Jonathan Strange 18:29, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

The wiki article has one GLARING ommission... The pulse gun IS affected by the laser commander perk. Not sure if emp damage is affected but the perk raises initial damage from 5 to 6 points at 100 energy weapons. You're welcome :) (PS3 version, unpatched)

To my surprise - you are correct. It's been included in one of the patches obviously, since I did the check myself when the game was unpatched and there were just laser-based weapons. Weapon added into the list of affected weapons.--Jonathan Strange 11:28, November 21, 2010 (UTC)


Is this weapon affected as well? Radnus 19:58, February 22, 2011 (UTC)

LAER/Elijah's LAER?[]

Does this perk affect the LAER in Old World Blues? Enemies disintegrated by critical hits turn into ash rather than goo, so is it classified as a laser weapon? SimuLord 05:15, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

The LaserCommanderWeaponsList Form List (which is the file that the Laser Commander Perk reads to determine which weapons are affected) does not have either LAER on it. This is similar to the Pyromaniac Perk not supporting any DLC weapons (The Form List is unchanged). So it appears to NOT affect the LAER weapons. It is fairly simple to add as a PC mod (just drag and drop the weapon item to the Form List in GECK). Hahnsoo 10:08, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Update: It appears that both the LAER and Elijah's Advanced LAER are actually added to the Form List as part of a script. So they ARE affected after all. The Script that adds the weapons to the Form List is NVDLC03MQ00SCRIPT Hahnsoo 10:25, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Use plasma[]

It's better =P 21:51, September 8, 2011 (UTC)

Recharger pistol + mf hyperbreeder alpha[]

The mf hyperbreeder page lists that Laser Commander affects the gun, even that it effect the normal pistol - is it true? SkyHiRider 22:52, October 3, 2011 (UTC)

Crit bonus before or after multiplier?[]

The first two paragraphs of this page are contradictory, the first says the bonus is before the multiplier, the second says its after. The crit chance page seems convinced that laser commander is applied after, which means the highest crit chance for these weapons is 28% x Mult + 19% (38% x Mult with true police stories). For Pew-Pew, the only weapon affected that has a 2.5 multiplier, that is an 89% crit chance; 100% with true police stories.

On an unrelated note, does this perk apply to GRA weapons? Seems like Laser Pistol (GRA), Tri-Beam Laser Rifle (GRA), and Sprtel-Wood 9700 (GRA) may be on the list. ~Shadowcat

How does this affect the Gatling Laser?[]

I know that crit chance on fully automatic weapons is usually divided by the gun's rate of fire. But since Laser Commander isn't normally affected by crit multipliers; does that mean that it's also not affected by the rate of fire divider as well, or is the division done afterwards? If it's the former; then with Luck of 1 (not a typo), Laser Commander, Light Touch, and Set Lasers For Fun the crit chance would be 19.03% per shot out of a gun that fires 30 rounds a second. For comparison - using a Gatling Laser with a Luck of 10, Finesse, Built To Destroy, 1st Recon Beret, Ulysses' Duster, and True Police Stories with Comprehension would result in only a 1.26% crit chance per shot. That's a pretty massive difference. 01:40, October 27, 2012 (UTC)
