Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Um.... in my game, shooting kyle before the cop does turns EVERYONE IN THE CITY hostile.

so, not recommended.

I've tested it several times and the city has never gone hostile against me for shooting Kyle. They do go hostile if you shoot Riley though.

Jamdoge (talk) 03:15, December 12, 2015 (UTC)

conversation with the guard[]

After Kyle is shot, I hung around a bit to see if anything happened. One of the guards tells me to move along, and I have the option of asking what happened, and when I do it says 'persuasion attempt failed' (or whatever the message is). I didn't notice a difference in the colour of the dialogue option, though, so I wasn't even aware I was making a persuasion attempt. I've tried it a few times with no success, maybe I'm not fully understanding how the persuasion thing works, I've only just started playing this game, but is that even a passable attempt? If so, does it make much difference? Obax42 (talk) 17:20, July 5, 2016 (UTC)

It is because it is an easy check and the colour of your ath must be close to the color of the easy persuasion check. You probably have a very low charisma if you fail. I suppose you don't get any help from the mayor when you arrive in Diamond city either, because this one is much more difficult. With 14 charisma sometimes he answers he has no time to help, but the city guard always answers it is the fault of "this newspaper" making people paranoïd about synths
