Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Reverse pickpocket[]

Does anybody know what items I can reverse-pickpocket onto Zip for this outfit?--Ghouliegirl 01:30, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

enclave armor, if'n you got some. 1111

not taking it[]

zips not changing the armor was there an update or something? i made this post ages ago, wow i should specify, i gave him enclave power armor, medium condition, i think i left but im not sure witch save that was.(360)Katikar 23:25, January 23, 2010 (UTC)

finally worked, he looks so cute as a widlle bitty enclave! however, i had to pickpocket him, and he kept catching me, and when it finnaly worked, my game froze, im uncertain if these are connecte, i hope notKatikar 23:48, January 23, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe it takes some time or multiple zone changes for Zip to switch outfits[]

I gave him a set of Brotherhood Power Armor in perfect condition. (100% repair). He didn't change immediately, and even after leaving the great chamber, waiting 24 hours, and finding him again, he hadn't changed. But once I entered vault 87, killed a few super mutants, and came back out, he had changed into the power armor. And in case you're wondering, the power armor becomes tiny sized to fit him properly, and the cave rat outfit becomes large sized to fit the player.

This was with the 1.7 patch. I'm also using the Unofficial Fallout 3 patch v1.2.0 (11\08\2009). But I'm guessing that doesn't have any affect on Zip and armor trading with him.

Teabagrumon 07:26, November 27, 2009 (UTC)

Is it possible to wear kids' outfits like this and Blast Off Pajamas by cheating and having them as a kid?
