Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I edited this page and added details of a bug I experienced where Kemp appears wearing Fiend armour, but it's been deleted, with no notes or explanation: surely this is against the spirit and entire point of a wiki? What's the point in doing an edit with perfectly good info when it just gets deleted, yet all the incredibly badly-spelt and punctuated crap is left in? Grr.

I don't think this is a bug; he wears the best stuff you sell him. Right now he's wearing Vexillarius armor and a Veteran helmet in my game; last time I visited he had a Decanus helmet on, and the time before that a motorcycle helmet. He looks like a complete dorkwad. Contreras does it too; he's wearing a Prime Decanus helmet. Tharnhelm 02:50, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
I agree that it's not a bug. It's normal behavior for trading NPCs to put on armor sold or given to them. --Kilroy1975 13:13, July 20, 2011 (UTC)


In the background it says the player will get a discount after "rescuing" morales. Suppose that should be changed to recover as he is dead. Anyway it does correctly state recover under the quests heading. Also I suggest that both background and quests are changed so it does not positively affirm the discount after the completion of the unmarked quest. It should be changed to "may give a discount". The discount is not certain as it depends on NCR fame as correctly stated under the heading effects of player actions. --Kilroy1975 13:09, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

Where is he?[]

Ive never even seen this guy before and Ive had this game for almost a year. haha

To what the guys where saying at the top of the page. I think this is a bug because I sell very powerful non-faction armor to merchants all over the wastland, and they never wear the armor I sell them. Furthermore if you sell Dr. Kemp or contrares a bunch of stuff weather its junk, weapons or strong armor you notice its not in their inventory. If you kneel down to pick there pocket youll notice that the items (most of them) you sold them will be in their personal inventory and not for sale. BigBoss 10/11/11

Not a bug. I've got a trader camping out permanently in Novac who wears the best armour I sell him. He's done so in two runthroughs.
