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Luck bonus.[]

Does the Luck boost add a flat bonus for the purposes of critical hits (like Finesse), or is it capped at 10 with any extra points wasted? --FourWayDiablo(talk) 15:42, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

  • It's just a luck bonus.--BSMaker 17:29, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

It is probably capped at 10 but the permanent increase of 50% to critical damage is delicious... an0my(talk) 19:55, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

That makes sense, just wanted to be clear. This seems like the most useful of the 3 lvl 50 perks. It's far easier to get HP and AP boosts from other sources, whereas crit bonus is rarer. --FourWayDiablo(talk) 12:51, September 27, 2011 (UTC)
Only if you are using weapons that rely on crits for damage. The Avenger for example boasts the highest dps in the game at 390 with a crit multiplyer of .5 . Lord death adds.4 dmg, bloody mess adds .7, and thought you died adds 1.3. That adds a total of 39 dps to the weapon. Where Something like Just Lucky I'm Alive would add almost nothing because of the modified crit multiplyer of the an automatic weapon. Now on things with higher than 1 crit multiplyer it changes. Still I love running through a group of death claws with my speed, pulling 4 or 5 deathclaws and killing them in a few seconds. Sure I could sit back and snipe, but that really isn't very fun when you can kill them all in 2 clips at most. Toss in the built in ap on 5mm, the weight of it, etc. Back to the perk though, it all depends on your build and what weapons you prefer to use. 07:53, October 10, 2011 (UTC)
True (and fun), but as I said you can easily get those other lvl 50 perk boosts from other sources (Buffout, rushing water, yao guai meat, etc.) when you need them. With this perk any weapon that crits, whatever the chances, will get the bonus when it does. At lvl 50 it's all academic anyway, really. And with auto weapons (or indeed any weapons), I honestly don't think you'd notice the added DPS during a fight if you couldn't check the numbers here and in the G.E.C.K. You'd just shoot more bullets for one more second. --FourWayDiablo(talk) 14:19, October 10, 2011 (UTC)

125% Critical Damage with Better Criticals? What's the Math? Help Please[]

Am I bad at math? Isn't it only 100%? Better Criticals (50%) + Just Lucky To Be Alive (50%) = 100%? Where's the other 25% from?

Better Criticals: 100%+50%=150%

Just Lucky To Be Alive: 100%+50%=150%

Better Criticals & Just Lucky To Be Alive: 150% * 150% = 225% = 125% more crit damage

--Adaxe 05:54, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Is it confirmed that the game calculates it that way? 11:20, October 4, 2011 (UTC)

Generally these add in two different ways. A flat bonus or multiplicative.

Flat: 100% + 50% (Better Criticals) + 50% (Just Lucky To Be Alive) = 200% Crit Damage

Multiplicative: 100%*(150/100)*(150/100) = 225% Crit Damage

Another way to think of it is while selecting the second perk, does it increase 50% your base crit dmg (flat bonus) or 50% of your current crit dmg (multiplicative).

Testing is required to find out which calculation they use.

Wesley.Jessup (talk) 08:01, August 21, 2012 (UTC)

In the GECK, both use the "Modify My Critical Hit Damage" entry point and "Multiply Value" function, each with a value of 1.5. There is no function that would make the two 50% bonuses additive, as the "Add Value" function would only add a flat amount of damage to each critical hit.

In a quick test on a Bighorner Calf (0 DT) in Goodsprings using a full condition Weathered 10mm Pistol with normal ammunition, a character with 100 in all skills and 10 in all SPECIAL, plus Living Anatomy to see the damage:

Body Head
Normal 24 48
Crit 48 96
Sneak 96 192
Crit (1) 60 120
Sneak (1) 120 240
Crit (2) 78 156
Sneak (2) 156 312

As you can see, the second perk increases crit damage from the pistol (base 24) by 18 compared to the 12 given by the first perk, so it is indeed giving 75% increased crit damage in practice. It is also worth noting that it only multiplies the weapon's crit damage stat by this, before the entire base+crit is affected by the independent and also multiplicative headshot and sneak 2x multipliers.

Sortitus (talk) 04:25, December 15, 2015 (UTC)

Thought You Died vs Lucky to Be Alive, some Math for a Cowboy build[]

Hand Loader SWCs + Better Criticals + Cowboy with Brush Gun.

Thought You Died 116 Damage Per Hit, 228 Critical Damage, 456 Sneak Attack Critical Damage.


Lucky to Be Alive 108 Damage, 259 Critical Damage, 518 Sneak Attack Critical Damage

The critical damage of Lucky To Be Alive rivals the critical damage of hollow points without the extra 3x DT.
