Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Weird Glitch[]

After installing the Honest Hearts DLC and starting a new game, I've noticed that whenever I approached Joe, he will run away from me while shouting "Hey! Some entertainment finally!" Nymphonomicon 00:44, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

Duh, he's running of to Zion Canyon to entertain himself
After a while, I figured out he was chasing/detecting a mantis. Nymphonomicon 02:24, June 15, 2011 (UTC)

Cut Quest Option[]

If the player breaks sequence by killing Ringo prior to talking to Cobb, alternate dialogue with Cobb suggests that the developers initially planned for a third optional task for the player: "I also thought it might be a good thing to jimmy the lock on the Bighorner pen. The noise from the fight will spook them, get them running wild." Pyrion 22:59, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

Found his body in Quarry Junction?[]

That actually sounds like the title to a country song.... But anyway, I did find his body in Quarry Junction. I'd cleared it of deathclaws previously, and was returning for a pile of eggs for the Thorn. He's laying all twisted up in the middle of the place, dead. I did the quest he's involved in right at the beginning of the game and sided with Ringo, so he's supposed to be dead, but I thought it was weird his body showed up here.... Obax42 (talk) 00:29, September 25, 2015 (UTC)
