Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Jezebel Body Bug[]

I am trying to give Jezebel a body but no matter what I do, placing her head on a robot doesn't give the robot her personality nor does it update the quest. I place Jezebel's head on a body but all that happens is a generic robot creation.

Does anyone know a fix for this? 22:09, March 23, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, some guy called Quantm_Radd found the workaround (it worked on my PC) : "Finally figured it out!! The work around for consoles as follows guys- -Go to sanctuary and hard save. – exit game and uninstall Automatron – Turn game on load save without dlc, ignore “load without proper dlc” prompt and proceed to start load up. – save over previous saves with repeated quick save(can be done through fast travels to be safe) -exit game, and reinstall dlc. From there the game will show mechanical menace again as a quest, proceed with quest. After you talk to Ada and start second quest, DO NOT FAST TRAVEL! Walk all the way to quest and into building. Everything should move along smoothly np bugs at all. ☺ enjoy guys" -- 01:48, April 2, 2016 (UTC)

Jezebel's default location[]

Article currently states "she stays at the settlement where she was reconstructed but may be sent to another settlement". That doesn't quite seem true. Say you build a second robot workbench at another settlement, different from the one you assembled your first one at. Even if you construct Jezebel's body at that second site, she will assign herself to the first site, the one you built your first robot workbench at. So, the article should probably read, "Jezebel will stay at whatever site has your first robot workbench, regardless of the location of the workbench where her body was created." But it would be great if someone could confirm. Mine was on the PC, latest version on Steam as of today. 07:24, March 10, 2020 (UTC)
