Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Rescued Jake, got everything right with his family, talked to Preston Garvey, finished the quest. Accessed the workshop. Assigned Jake to a supply line to the Castle. When I tried to build things, my workshop wasn't populated as if I was connected to the Castle. Puzzled, I checked the Supply Line graph in the pipboy, and lo and behold, I don't have a supply line to the Castle, yet Jake is gone. So Jake presumably headed off into the wilderness to nap under a tree. If I see him I'm going to pop him one.--DocSilence (talk) 17:43, January 30, 2016 (UTC)

Unable to Interact Bug[]

Was able to verify on the PS4. Not sure about the "assign to supply line to fix" part though, so I left it. For me, I cannot interact with him as a normal settler, but I was able to assign him a job (manning a cannon.) He's still stuck standing in his one spot, but when you hover over him or the cannon in build mode, he is assigned to it and I can call for a bombardment near the farm.

BeerBaronx (talk) 17:46, June 16, 2016 (UTC)

Cannot assign Jake[]

If the supply line fix does not work for you, or if you want to keep Jake in the settlement, you can create a trading post and assign him to that instead - but only if you do it BEFORE Jake gets "stuck" on a supply line. Once he has been assigned to a supply line you might not be able to undo it without loading an earlier save.

25Oct2021 Sleazymamba
