Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

How do you get to enfant south? the path on the map (in the big room with the two pools and the book) doesn't exist, as in there's no path to get there.

Uh, what? You do realize that there are a few tunnels accessed from the upper level of the pool room, correct? The exit to L'Enfant definitely does exist, and if I recall correctly, you find it by following the first path on the right hand side if you enter from the tunnels that are co-joined with a couch in the middle. Those directions could be wrong, but the exit can be accessed from the Irradiated Metro.--Mehbah 23:43, 31 January 2009 (UTC)
Well when I'm on the floor with the pools, the path to the exit shows when I walk near the bathtub and stuff (south east side). I couldn't find anything else up top. - Ashran111 18:19, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
Keep looking. Go straight ahead instead of turnnig left/down to the area with the sofa, then watch the walls to your right. The door to enfant south is at the end of that corridor. L3mst0r 00:49, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

I wasnt ablea to find the acees door for the bridge. where exactly is it?--Weasel7777777 23:57, November 22, 2009 (UTC)
