Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Is this is unique item or have any others been found other than the one listed? -- 02:48, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

Isn't unique. There's four footlockers which contain them; one listed, one in the West Divide, and one in each of the interior cells of Ulysses' Temple. Paragost 12:12, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

I found three of them in my play through. They're not common, but they're not unique. 21:20, September 21, 2011 (UTC) Calemyr

Is this effected by Super Slam!? If so, does it only work when punching or does it also work when holding down for the saw attack?

This looks quite a bit like the Gauntlet from Quake 3, minus the electrical effect on the blade.

Q-35: Please sign your edits; and no, this is not affected by Super Slam - the page says quite clearly that it does not affect AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. Q-35 11:01, April 7, 2012 (UTC)

Some questions[]

1-This is the only "automatic unarmed weapon", if we hold the button it will keep slicing enemies like the ripper right? Does that mean we CANNOT use unarmed moves like the Ranger takedown?

2-The industrial hand is some kind of DLC ONLY Power Fist? Can't we find it on mick & Ralph special items or gun runners after the completing the DLC like the .45 pistol?

- cant buy it after the dlc ends, u just have to get them in the loansome road

3-i don't see it at the power fists comparison chart, and i don't know if a power fist can be repaired with a industrial hand and vice versa, also, can someone put the Jury Rigging perk on the page at "repair with" section?

4-Isn't it a LITTLE bit Overpowered? the chainsaw/ripper/thermic lance only attack 1 time per second while the industrial hand does 3.2 hits per sec. (making it break much faster) and with a fairly good critical damage too, capable of doing the most powerfull sneak critical on the game? And that 65 AP cost on VATS it's useless when you can do a stronger hit with only 20 AP! Man, that's overkill!


This weapon made a cameo in Fallout: Lanius.

Interesting that a Western weapon would make its way so far East. --VSSCR (talk) 18:00, October 28, 2013 (UTC)
