Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Interaction with other speed buffs[]

Does its effects stack with others, like the stealth suit speed bonus and travel light perk? 02:03, July 22, 2011 (UTC)bobby90

Yes it does, although you seem to move quicker with Travel Light, light armour and this perk than you do with the fully-upgraded stealth suit and this. AR700SAW 11:35, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

I did a not very scientific test of this just now. It took 11 secs to cross the width of The Sink in Big MT while crouched & running (I have Silent Running as well). The time was the same before and after installing this implant. I have the Travel Light perk and am wearing a Wasteland Settler Outfit. The same crossing took 14 secs in the Stealth Suit Mk II. Maybe the implant and the suit only affect the walking sneak speed? ElvisDumbledore - eschew obfuscation 03:31, September 9, 2011 (UTC)

You guys are both right, you do move slower. It's because the stealth suit is medium armor. So not only do you lose the benefit of travel light, but you also incur a (albeit small) movement penalty for wearing medium armor.

Nubbinsworth 14:53, September 20, 2011 (UTC)

Overcumburd Speed[]

Anyone test the speed overcumburd? I want to know if with this will you move faster crouched than tall when overcumburd.

Well, it's not so hard to check really. If you pick too much items you will crawl like a turtle, no matter what. The implant's effect is neglected. Not sure about the perks though but it's most likely they are neglected too. --C0Rb3N (talk) 15:54, September 9, 2013 (UTC)
