Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

No show Hugo?[]

Anyone else show up to find everything but the body? Will probably add a bug section for this.

I tried multiple fixes to try and get his body to show up, including loading previous saves, traveling to his hole from a very large distance away without fast traveling, targeting him with the console command "prid", then trying "moveto player", "resurrect", "enable", "disable", "recycleactor", then I took a look around for his body with the UFO cam ("tfc") - nothing seems to have worked. Possibly this is due to me having cleared out the Dunwich Bores previously? Unsure. Only thing left to check is to use the UFO cam to see if he's in there before the gunshot goes off... Ulithium Dragon (talk) 02:57, December 6, 2015 (UTC)

Ok, he's not even there before the gunshot goes off. I used "tfc 1" to enable the paused-game UFO cam to check... Ulithium Dragon (talk) 03:03, December 6, 2015 (UTC)

Hugo's a no-show for me, too. I tried everything that you did, no dice. I'm on PC, Steam client.
