Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

38 Override[]

Anyone know what the Lucky 38 Executive Override does at the terminal by Hanlon's office? --Pibpib 06:13, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

yea wtf does that do . . . Teh leecherer 22:59, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
I'm not sure, but the computer in House Resort isn't the only instance of the Lucky 38 Executive Override. I found a building somewhere in New Vegas (outside the Strip and Freeside) that had one before I ever even went to Camp Golf. I forgot where it was, but I'll try to find it again and post it's name and location if hasn't already been done.--OvaltinePatrol 18:43, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

There's another instance of a Lucky 38 executive override at the H & H Tool Factory, in Mr. House's office. What I believe it does is overrides the robots on the inside so you can more easily access Mr. House in the chamber where his body is. Someone may need to check, of course.

Yer just went to H&H and found another override . . . does the console show script execution when you activate things in game? Teh leecherer 22:12, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
I just checked in the GECK, it apparently runs a script to unlock the L38 casino floor terminal. Colin The Guy 01:05, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

Found one in the New Vegas Steel building.

Has anyone noticed when looking at the picture of Mr.House , there appears to be an outline on the wall around it? I'm wondering if its a hidden wall with something behind it , if he once used to stay there I can only imagine there would be secrets there , also if you look at the outline of the building.. it suggests the building goes past that wall , and that outside isn't directly behind it. -(Chris Ricard 3:03 pm August 13th/2012)

Liberty Prime reference[]

When taking a look at Liberty Prime's legs and feet, they are different from the one's behind Mr. House in the picture. It should be noted however, that RobCo was contracted to joint-construct Liberty Prime with General Atomics. --Radnus 01:35, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

The portrait of Mr. House is very similar to this picture of Howard Hughes.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Howard_Hughes.jpg

"The robot legs behind Mr. House in the picture may possibly belong to Liberty Prime from Fallout 3", should we have this, it appears to be nothing but speculation, also the leg design on the picture and Liberty Primes leg design do not match. - RASICTalk 15:54, November 21, 2010 (UTC)

I'd like to see that robot in a future DLCZac hemker 06:13, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Computer in lobby always adds Infamy[]

Everytime I access the "Squad Readiness Reports Terminal" I get hit with a +1 to my NCR infamy even though I'm hidden. Anybody else experiencing this?

Yeah, I'm getting this too, although I don't know how old your post is because it's UNSIGNED --The.true.samiam 19:04, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Editing the area in the GECK[]

Any notes on how this area cannot be edited in the GECK properally-it just appears with most of the objects invisible sept for the odd NPC and tile, with the objects being there, just not being able to be seen?

See through walls glitch[]

If you go up the stair case on the right as soon as you walk in, then start going down the hall (doesn't matter how far, right at the entrance of the hall is fine) look down in third person and zoom out, the walls and some of the floor disappear. Also if you look near the entrance door while this glitch is happening you can see a strange red object(looks like its outside the walls), if anyone finds out what this is via no-clip on console or any other way, tell me because I'm curious.(Note: Me and my friend did this on the Xbox)

This happens on the PS3 as well. I think the "strange red object" is a floor texture - an oil stain or something - in the downstairs kitchen, visible through the void. 22:13, July 15, 2018 (UTC)