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Fallout Wiki


in band of brothers the dumb soldier who shoots himself in the leg with a .44 luger in the leg ins't called... hobbler?

The word "hobble" may as well mean "to limp", but no, it's not a rerence. there are also a bunch of things wrong in your sentence, but just google "hobble" . YuriKaslov 00:08, March 6, 2011 (UTC)

I know what your talking about, i think his name is like Hoogler or something, not Hobbler. -- PastorOfMupets 09:23, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

You can chuck this one up to misery, as in the 1990's film "Misery". You know the one with Kathy Bates playing the role of a crazy obsessed psycho poodle? Well in this film there's this really famous scene (what you know it all ready?) where she quote unquote "hobbles" her favorite novelist. Now I'm not going to say this is your REFERENCE, but I can assure you that prior to this film no one even had a clue as to what hobbling even was (that and Fallout loves pop culture).

-sum guy

I hadn't thought of this before, but I agree with the unsigned poster above and have changed the article to note this. --Actreal 07:00, September 12, 2011 (UTC)
erm, no I seriously doubt it. Hobbling is as old as the word itself. (since the 1400's - source: Dictionary) Perhaps if the picture had something to nod toward the film I wouldn't fight it. Roflmaomgz 04:46, November 29, 2011 (UTC)

Wow, talk about your "dumb" poster- a .44 luger? Really? That sob would be worth about $10,000,000 as the nine .45 ACP Lugers manufactured are each worth about $1,000,000- and there is no .45 caliber autoloading round that fits the Luger action. I'm sure your intelect and bravery far surpass that of Corporal Donald B. Hoobler E Company, 506 PIR. Pat your self on the backyou
