Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I've renamed this to The High Road due to the fact that on the local map, the area is listed as 'The High Road'. I think the World Map only says 'High Road Entrance' because the area that you are transported to if you fast travel is the entrance of the tunnel that leads to the high road. Is that okay with everyone? Yes Man default 08:57, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

The picture is of the entrance to the tunnel though. Seems misleading to me. A better picture would be the view after exiting the tunnel, looking uphill.--Jolipinator 19:58, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

Being Watched[]

Right after blowing up the first warhead on the High Road, I noticed a yellow friendly bar on the compass, and looked up to see I was being watched by a figure standing in an opening in the wall of the nearby hospital. Before I could get out a scoped weapon to look at him, he turned and walked into the building, disappearing off the compass. Creepy. Has anyone gotten a good look at him?

This may not be correct. But perhaps it's a reference to G-Man off Half life?

I suspect it may have been Ulysses, but I can't be certain.

its ulysses. he watches you from a distance at all times but can only be seen briefly when entering an area for the first time.-- 03:43, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

Hehe, I was doing another play through, noticed Ulysses out of the corner of my eye and thought "Why didn't I see that the first time?". Took a screenie and added it here. If anyone was better wiki-fu, please feel free to tidy up the layout a bit, coz I suck Mctaff350 (talk) 10:08, March 9, 2013 (UTC)

Super Deathclaw![]

When entering the trailer just past the detonated warhead, there is a loud boom then a Deathclaw appears outside. I am at lvl 50 on Hardcore with 38 DT, but it kills me in one hit every time. My Courier is also immune to critical hits (ain't like that now), so this Deathclaw is packing some serious heat.AkaFrankCastle 17:17, March 6, 2012 (UTC)


xbox. First time I`ve seen Ulyssess watching me. If you want to see him, leave the high road entrance for the first time and 25 yards before the collapsed Hospital building on the RHS of the overpass is a gap in the building with a green sign marked Exit in white and an white arrow. As you draw level with the burnt out car he will walk from the right, stand by the arrow and stare at you for 6 seconds before walking off to the left. Through a scope you can see he is wearing the Rad Resistant breathing mask. Rad Res +5.The friendly bar lights up for only 10 seconds.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 19:33, November 12, 2012 (UTC)
