Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I'd heard that this perk also causes Cannibals to not lose Karma when feeding (they feed only on the blood, not the flesh, and it's supposed to make a difference), but as I'm on the XBOX version and Cannibal doesn't fit into my current character's progression, I can't test this. Considering it for my next character and would greatly appreciate if someone with the addperk console command could test it out and put a yay or nay on the main page. Thanks. Gatherer818 01:29, 6 April 2009 (UTC)


I'm PS3. Luckily, this is my second playthrough, and I have cannabal and hemo. You still get negative Karma for eating corpses.

Thanks :D


My character HAS the Hematophage perk you're speaking of, and it doesn't cause me negative karma. Just complete the Blood Ties quest in a good way, striking a truce between the Family in Meresti Train Station and Arefu. Then ask Vance in Meresti to teach you the ways of the vampire...you will gain the Hematophage perk and not lose karma for using Blood Packs, and now they will heal 20 HP instead of only 1 HP...with no radiation, I might add...



I'm not sure if it's just an American spelling or something but I'm used to it being spelt haematophage. ThePog 10:17, February 13, 2010 (UTC)
