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Fallout Wiki


I passed the medicine check to help him, and the speech check for him to follow me to clear out the caves. I continued exploring the caves, but I got close to an exit, and he told me he was going to California, and left. He didn't give me his rifle, or the dog tag fist schematics. --R404 05:07, July 4, 2011 (UTC)


Do You Actually Take The Note To The Superiors And If So Who Are His Superiors?

I can't find anyone either. I tried both Ranger Station Bravo and Camp McCarran. The comm officer at Bravo says they've been having trouble reaching Camp Guardian lately, but there's no dialog option to inform him of what happened.
Lovable Sociopath 18:10, November 27, 2011 (UTC)

His pathing to the exit is idiotic.[]

On PC.

First run) I got to an exit that was just a cliff drop, overlooking the lake so I went back inside. Halford then spoke to me and begain running down to the underwater exit.

Second run) I went back up to the exit and spoke to Halford. He said his 'so long' speech and ran back inside the caves and took off for the underwater exit. I verified this by following him all the way down and out the water exit. I wasn't able to spot him, so I used console commands to teleport myself to him several times but he was nowhere to be found. I fast traveled to the Mojave Outpost and teleported him to me but he was 'disabled'. Once I enabled him, he ran into the Mojave Outpost office.

Third run) Since I knew the caves were all clear, I just let him run back into the caves and assumed the quest script would sort him out.

I got the note and the schematic, but I never got his rifle.-- 02:44, August 15, 2011 (UTC)

In my case, not only did he head for the underwater exit, but he got stuck swimming against the rocks there. I watched him for a long while, then I swam under the rocks myself and used moveto player on him. That finally got him out. — Lovable Sociopath 18:10, November 27, 2011 (UTC)

Infinite Ammo exploit[]

Prior to Dead Money's release, you could (360) repeat the dialog choices in the final interaction with Halford, to get infinite rifles and ammo -- the latter being effectively currency if weightless (i.e. without Hardcore). ISTR this page mentioned, but now neither this page nor the exploits page mentions it -- was it fixed? If so, why isn't it striked out (as opposed to simply deleted)? Trent W. Buck, 09:56, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

As noted in the bug section, the near-infi rifles and ammo trick still work in PC v140525.Laclongquan (talk) 14:22, April 26, 2013 (UTC)
