Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

"Spoiler* This is a recommended perk for the Dead Money add on as the contents of (The Sierra Madre Vault consist of 37 Gold Bars that wiegh 35 pounds each and also are worth about 10539 caps each)http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sierra_Madre. However this wieght is cut in half with Heavywieght perk."

The perk only counts for weapons according to the description, and the gold bars do not count as weapons.-- 07:42, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

Gold bars could make great weapons. Too bad there's no Rock-It Launcher in New Vegas. --BattyFaster 01:34, February 9, 2012 (UTC)

Wouldn't that make gold bars ammo rather than weapons then? --Hairysteed (talk) 10:47, July 31, 2013 (UTC)

Fat Man[]

So, if you mod a Fat Man to weigh 15 with Little Boy, then take Heavyweight, does it weigh just 7.5 pounds? Nitty Tok. 19:38, December 27, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, and theres an even funnier idea, if your patient enough, you can obtain the gatling laser with this perk, THEN MOD it and your weight SHOULD be 3.75 pounds on the gatling laser..LMAO I havent tried it yet but this is all simple mathematics (remember: you need to get the perk first then get the mod ont he gatling laser to do this, although like I said, im not sure it will work because I havent tried it yet)

I was thinking that the other day, but I bet what it does is halves the weight after all other things have been taken into consideration (mods), but I havent tried it either (getting strength up to 7 is annoying) so i wouldnt know. Also, unless all you carry around are fat mans, missile launchers, LMG's and other heavy weapons, strong back is probably a more useful perk. you'd have to be haulin' a lot of big guns for Heavyweight to neglect 50 lbs of equipment for you.

why choose when you can have both? with up to 290 pound limit with power armor on, im able to kick everyones ass with literally almost every weapon in my back just for funs XD

Items Not Listed[]

I just took this Perk while finishing up in Zion. Because it stated in the description "Weapons heavier than 10 lbs. ...", I thought weapons that were exactly 10 lbs. would be unaffected. However, both the Mantis gauntlet and She's Embrace now weigh only 5 lbs. instead of the normal 10. These two, as well as the generic Yao guai gauntlet are not listed here under the Unarmed section for the perk; nor do their respective pages list Heavyweight in the Perk Effects section of their Statistic Boxes. I do know not know how to make these changes, and would prefer not to mess something up in the attempt. I'm not sure if it matters, but I'm on Xbox 360 using the Ultimate Edition. Wikia has always been a very thorough source of credible information, so I thought I'd leave the observation here. Thanks. metalheadHippie "It is not when or where men are born, but what they do that makes them brothers." (talk) 23:00, February 23, 2016 (UTC)
