Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Game ending: which version of Cass[]

If you choose peaceful end first, then kill them later, which will be shown in game ending slide,the portion for Cass?Laclongquan (talk) 14:30, March 25, 2013 (UTC)

I really want to know this. I am on a playthrough and doing this now, but I won't trigger the endings for a while. Can anybody confirm? Any PC players run through this quickly? Thanks. - lepigpen


idk why but the quest never left my log and never said complete after i did it all, then when i was killing the guys in silver rush it said quest failed, anyone know why? youdeadbro? 09:24, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

Multiple Companion Perks...[]

Hey, Just thought I would mention that it is possible to obtain both the perks for this companion. You have to complete the quest in a specific way though. You must first complete the " peacfull " outcome by collecting the evidence and taking it to the ranger. There Cass will recieve the first perk for additional health. Then go to the Van Graffs gun shop and preceed to murder every mother fucker in the room. Procced then to the Crimson Caravan HQ and mow down the old bitch. (Note: Use a stealth boy while killing the old lady and allow your companions to kill anyone else. This should prevent any loss of reputation.) Cass will aproach you and go through the dialog tree that ends with her obtaining the other perk. Tried this twice from two different game setups / saves. Any thoughts on this?

After talking to John Baptiste and a huge fight broke out, i ended up trying this, and while yes it does work, the "peaceful heart perk" doesn't actually offer a health bonus to Cass. I've got a lot of backup saves, and Cass had 285 HP before and after she received the perk. Weird... -EllEzDee 07:36, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
  • EDIT: Turns out it had something to do with the Mark II Combat Armour she was wearing. I emptied her inventory and suddenly, bam, 335 HP. -EllEzDee 07:43, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Quest has no resolution bug[]

At some point, apparently if you don't pick up Cass as a companion, this quest shows all objectives completed but still remains in one's active quests. --BigMill 04:32, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, it will continue when you have her as a companion and talk with her. --NoFearz NL 08:15, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

I have the same problem....can't find her anywhere now and all the individual quests are done....stealin my xp

Henicide1988 22:28, July 30, 2011 (UTC) Hi I got a problem really pissing me off, I cant solve the quest. Basically I am putting on my stealthboy but it still wont pickpocket Alice McLafferty, when she sitting down or walking, didnt seem to when she was sleeping either. I just get detected even though I am in stealthboy wtf? only solution I have is to kill her but I was going for the peaceful ending. I dont have high enough lockpick for the safe. Henicide1988 01:26, July 31, 2011 (UTC)After I quit the game seems to be working

Can't get Cass to sell her caravan.[]

So I went to Cass to try and get her to sell her Caravan, and I don't meet any of the speech or barter checks. I can't find a way to get her to sell without meeting them, and the main article doesn't even mention the checks or what to do if you don't meet them. A little help here? 20:56, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

You need to level up and invest points into either barter or speech in order to recruit her as a companion. Using Mentats or magazines may help.

In my game I was able to raise barter and speech by 38 points not including skill books. This can be done by stacking chems, party time mentats, mentats, magazines, moonshine and plain booze, the rest can be gained with apparel bonuses (It is a good idea to kill Malcolm Holmes in order to gain access to the roving trader outfit and cap). I was able to get Cass in my party with a Character with Charisma of 1 and no points into barter or speech. I did have to have points into science in order to make the party time mentats though. Rhomb 08:18, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

Actually I don't think party time mentats and regular mentats stack. Tried using both to boost my intelligence, but it didn't seem to stack. Unless there is some irregularity that causes charisma to stack, but not INT.

An alternative is to kill her. I used a pulse grenade pickpocketed into her inventory, and then a Stealth Boy to shed the NCR hostility afterward. --Kris User Hola 11:51, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

I dun goofed...(I think)[]

Uhm,I killed the VanGraffs before the resolution of this mission, it said i completed birds of a feather, but cass's quest is marked as done, and i dont think i can get her mission perk...sonofabitch... 04:43, November 3, 2010 (UTC)Anon.

Err, you do realise the perks only apply if your companion is a) alive and b) your companion. You lose any companion perk when you dismiss them, or they die. If you completed Heartache by the Number, then you must have either given the evidence to the ranger, or killed both parties involved in the caravan ambushes, so you would have got one perk or the other.

Speaking to McLafferty before Cass[]

I asked McLafferty if there was any work, then spoke to Cass. Now I can't ask McLafferty for work again.

Edit: Nevermind, apparently I already got the quest.

Can't recruit Cass[]

I've already spoken with Mclafferty earlier to get Jack his caravaneer girlfriend, and now that Cass says I should go get work from Crimson, no such option appears from Mclafferty. So I don't know how to proceed with this to recruit Cass, which I assume I have to do in order to bring her to the Van Graffs. Anyone know how to get around this? -anon

Getting the same glitch. I am at my wits end on how to fix it!- M


In order for me to get Cass to sell her contract I told her I would help out Ranger Jackson and I did but now it says to "Remove" Ranger Jackson. Am I supposed to kill him, and if I do, how do I do it without the rest of the Mojave Outpost knowing? -- 09:23, November 14, 2010 (UTC)

That's an optional way to do it. You can also kill the ants. TurtleWats (talk) 04:29, June 1, 2013 (UTC)

Lockpick graphics reset[]

Had the bug with the lockpick graphics not showing up on the 360. I turned the console off and then back on and loaded the auto-save for when I entered the Silver Rush and the problem was fixed. Oh and loading a previous save without restarting the console did not solve the problem.

I also had the computer terminal glitch (red Activate but nothing happens). This however was not fixed so the only option was picking the safe (which seems to be a small issue considering it is the same difficulty as the door).

No evidence for peaceful solution[]

I've gotten to the point with Cass where she wants to go off and murder McLafferty and the van Graffs. It sounds like I was supposed to be able to suggest a peaceful solution, but if I had that choice I missed it.

So now if I go look in the safes at both places I don't see the evidence like I'm supposed to.

I had previously looted both safes, could that have something to do with it?

I've finished all of McLafferty's quests and I've also picked up the Birds of a Feather quest from the van graffs and it's sitting at the point where they're waiting for me to bring Cass to them, but I don't want to do that.

I should be able to finish the quest by killing them, but I'd rather do the peaceful solution. Is there a solution fro this on xbox360?

If you don't suggest finding evidence when she first says she's going to kill them, then the evidence will not be in the safes, and you can't do the peaceful solution, as best I can determine. So you can either restore a savegame from before you got to the last caravan, or just kill them both (or leave the quest undone). --Dmunsil 07:39, December 6, 2010 (UTC)

Is this a marked quest?[]

It didn't show up in my quest tab. Also i have both evidences but i cant do anything with it Cass wont talk about anything something about Cazdors.Kirbyroth 12:17, December 23, 2010 (UTC)

Crimson Caravan traders hostile[]

The Van Graafs are all hostile, as per the new patch, but now whenever Cass and I pass Crimson Caravan traders she goes mental - especially bad if NCR soldiers are around as they'll then turn hostile too in order to defend the caravans. Is this supposed to happen? ----

Mindache because of Heartache by the number... q&a... please do the a part...[]

Ive been playing Fall Out for 73 hours now. Now that ive come here i want to start collecting all of my companions in the presidential suite for the Steam Achievement: The Whole Gangs Here.

In my never-ending quest for uber-weapons and -armor, i killed the Van Graffs for the Brotherhood of Steel, so i could start wearing Power Armor.

After that i did the entire quest with Alice Mclafferty.

Somewhere in between here, i found two of the three destroyed caravans, the only one not found was Cassidy's Caravan.

My next step was going over to Cass at the Mohave Outpost where she started her interaction by saying it was great that ive taken care of the Van Graffs. She allready wants to take out Alica Mclafferty, and gets angry whenever i talk to here three times, and i need speech checks to keep her in line.

So now im in a bit of a pothole, cuz i dont want to screw up my stats with the NCR and i do want to keep Cassidy for the Steam Achievement... what the hell am i gonna do?

-- 17:25, January 8, 2011 (UTC)Stuck Dutch Fall Out Gamer

  • The reason why you need to do those speech checks with her is because your karma is either on the lower half of the "neutral" range (-249 to 0 IIRC) or lower. You need to maintain a "positive neutral" or above karma to avoid Cass questioning your moral compass (and subsequently leaving you if you fail the speech checks). Go out, kill some feral ghouls to raise your karma (my suggestions would be Mesquite Mountains Crater approaching from the mountains on the west to take advantage of the height and sneak attacks without them being able to reach or see you, or near the Old Nuclear Test Site, making sure you steer clear of the Crashed Vertibird if you don't want some hardened sentry bots/mister gutsies joining your ghoul party). Hopefully raising your karma will allow you to proceed with the quest as you'll be able to talk to her as much as you need to, but I'm not certain. Balmung03 16:22, February 10, 2011 (UTC)


Ok I don't know if this is wrong or not so I figured I'd ask. In the paragraph about getting the evidence from the Van Graffs at the Silver Rush, it says: "The door can generally be picked openly without turning the guards hostile, though they may say something vaguely threatening." Every time I have tried to pick this door everyone turns hostile and I get shot. Is this incorrect or updated due to a patch? Lancer1289 03:42, January 9, 2011 (UTC)

were you sneaking and hidden? i remember picking the lock without any problems with the latest patch on pc. Kotekzot 10:14, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Someone else added that note, which didn't sound right so I marked it "needs verification." Then I went and tried it, and in fact they didn't turn hostile, so I removed the verification tage. But that was before the recent patch; maybe it's changed. Or maybe it depends on whether you've already made them slightly upset about something else. Sometimes the reaction of NPCs depends on where you are on the reputation scale before you do the action. --Dmunsil 21:00, January 9, 2011 (UTC)

Bug Settle Accounts[]

Settle Accounts

It says at the quest line, I have to settle accounts with Alice. I killed her, but the quest doens´t advance, it still says, ´settle accounts´ with Alice. What´s up with dat?

I have experienced this problem as well and not just with McLafferty. I took out the Van Graffs first and it didn't update.

So I went back to an earlier save and tried McLafferty first. Sneak killed her with some clever placement of fragmines, but still no update.

Edit: Analyzed it a bit, you can't use clever tricks, apparently you have to kill her directly and with Cass present. Still trying to work out how to do that secretly. --Tilarta (talk) 11:56, July 19, 2013 (UTC)

Deleting the patch.[]

I assume that deleting the patch will allow me to complete this quest the peaceful way, and then complete Birds of a Feather. But, when I re-install it later, will it make the Van Graffs hostile then? Even if I help them in Birds of a Feather? Anyone tried this yet?-- 20:49, March 25, 2011 (UTC)

Killed all the guards[]

This was after I did the doorman quest, but I was able to kill ALL the guards inside with a silenced 10mm while hidden (I'm guessing any slienced firearm would do).

Funny thing is, I was standing crouching in front of the two by the door with my back to the cage, yet it said I was hidden.

This also makes it a lot easier to steal the rest of the stuff in the store, fewer eyes around. I was also able to go in/out the back of the building easily, now that there are only two people inside.

Question About the Peaceful Resolution[]

If you complete the quest peacefully, hand in the evidence and get Cass the CH perk, the crier and guard outside the Silver Rush are hostile, and all of my party tries to kill them if I go near (even if Cass isn't there). Seeing as how Ranger Jackson advised not to exact revenge or there could be consequences, will it have any effect on the ending if the crier and guard are killed? Thanks!


Cassidy supposidly finds a map at the second caravan, But I never find the map or even see it my self, Has anyone figured out what map she is refering to?

Durable Dunn caravan. She said upon encountering it is that she dont hear about it being attacked. Which mean it happened quite recently (in game term).Laclongquan (talk) 10:29, March 14, 2013 (UTC)

Van Graffs[]

If you have killed the Van Graffs before recruiting Cass, once you gain her as a companion, you can head straight to Alice and kill her to instantly gain the 'Hand of Vengeance' perk, and a quest complete. Recomend sneak-killing McClafferty. 07:30, April 27, 2011 (UTC)

good way to get through the game[]

This quest is a really great way to get lots of caps and stuff. First u have to take the path on killing the 2 people involved in ambushes. Simply sneak kill Alice from behind her chair at her desk. Then go to the silver rush, drag all the weapons to the bathroom, steal them. Then (if van graffs still remains friendly) take the birds of a feather quest and then allow the guy with the roving trader outfit to come in without being patted down for weapons. Everyone in silver rush will be killed and when simon goes to look inside attack him from the back very quickly then take all the dead guard's useful stuff. Use the free side mojave expressbox to send stuff to the town closest or having a rich trader and then sell the stuff that u want to sell and keep what u want to keep. Then after that u will have superb energy tech and lots and lots of caps. I tried this and it helped me get through everything smoothly.

Simple Way to eliminate the Van Graff Guards[]

C-4 and a detonator make killing the Van Graff's and their guards a simple, if slightly complicated matter. Dropping C-4 near each of the guards is enough to kill them. Two things complicate this however. If anyone is hit by the falling C-4, the fight starts right away. This is a simple matter to avoid, simply place the explosives near them. The Blast radius is sufficient to do the job.

The second complication is the single guard who will patrol from one corner to near the main doors. Two options work for him. Option 1 is simply to kill him along with the Jean-Baptiste and Gloria. Option 2 is to place a C-4 charge so it will kill him, and using ED-E's perk to watch for him to approach the C-4 then detonate it.

You'll still have to deal with the outside guard and the crier, but this eliminates the inside guards in a single swift move leaving only the Van Grafff's to deal with. Triaxx2 00:55, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

My method was to hit the guard outside of the door so that he calls for help. When they all piled through the door to attack me, I just flung a grenade into them. You could also do this with C-4 as well. That just left one guard and the two Van Graffs inside. 20:40, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

Peaceful ending question[]

After Jackson warns the player upon completing the q peacefully that killing the Van Graffs and McLafferty would obstruct the investigation (in other words: negative). Does this affect the end slide for the Crimson Caravan? Cuz I do wanna kill them after peaceful solution but dont wanna have the negative slide for the CC at the end of the game. --Radnus 14:46, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

Stealth kills would do the trick. You'll need a powerful silenced weapon (such as a suppressed sniper rifle, or silenced 12.7mm pistol) and decent sneak. Simply pick them off one by one from the shadows. As long as you aren't seen, you will gain no infamy. --Superquark (talk) 20:48, June 28, 2012 (UTC)

The wiki didn't mention THIS...[]

I'm trying to complete the peaceful ending of this quest. I already got the evidence from the Crimson Caravan, so I went over to the Silver Rush to finish up the quest.

However, when I went inside, there were two characters talking to each other about some weapons shipment or something, and when they were done talking, everyone in the room became hostile.

I don't know if this was supposed to be part of a previous quest, or if this is part of the same quest, but I'm out of Stealth Boys and I could really use some help knowing what I'm supposed to do here.Ederek-Cole 18:48, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

wait for the guards inside to move before going past them. --Kris User Hola 19:10, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

Quest halted[]

Cass is my companion and I've completed the first three objectives, i.e.

  • Cass is drowning in her sorrows...
  • Return to Cass and see...
  • (Optional) "Remove" Jackson...

After this, I don't get a new objective. When I try to talk to Cass she gets mad and I have to use a speech check to get her to stay with me. Then the only dialog options are general information questions. There is no "What do you want to do next?" option. I checked my karma level and it's neutral Dbbolton 13:46, December 22, 2011 (UTC)

//delete this

Glitch within the Quest?[]

I killed everyone at the Crimson Caravan Company, without killing anyone at the Silver Rush, and Cass came out of nowhere and said, "Thanks" or whatever she says and she didn't even care that I didn't kill the Van Graffs. It said she gave me the Hand of Vengeance perk, but when I went to check, it wasn't there. Am I the only one this happened to? --Two knifed pies 17:39, March 3, 2012 (UTC)

The terminal beside the safe in the Van Graffs place is open and won't let me activate it, what the hell is happening-- 18:45, June 14, 2012 (UTC)

Interesting glitch, haven't seen it mentioned.[]

I got the quest from Cass, and then the quest refused to continue. I had the objective 'Convince Cassto part with Cassidy Caravans' or whatever, but Cass simply would have no dialogue option related to that part of the quest.

Later on, I would kill the Van Graffs in the Silver Rush (and stole loadsaweapons). Many many hours later, I returned to Cass and she spoke to me as if I'd done it just then. Figuring I might be able to unglitch the quest if I continued it, I went to the Crimson Caravan to 'settle accounts', as the quest log told me to. Of course, she had no dialogue options either, so I just killed her.

Returned to Cass, she gave me her final speech, thanked me, I got her perk and the quest came up as completed. But I still can't recruit her as a companion no matter what I say.

I've recruited every single companion except Rex and Tabitha so far, and now that Cass is glitched I have no way of getting the Whole Gang's Here achievement.

-- 13:56, January 12, 2013 (UTC)

Talking with Cass after Heartache by the Number[]

After completing Heartache by the Number both ways (peacefully, then by killing the Van Graffs and McLafferty) to get both perks, Cass is now permanently stuck in her end-of-quest dialogue, where she thanks you, says the NCR will make things much harder for the crimson caravan etc., then she gets awarded her perk. This happens every time I speak with her when (presumably) it should only happen once (PC, (talk) 21:06, March 19, 2013 (UTC)

Van Graff Key[]

The article says that I can open the Van Graff's safe with the key carried by the Van Graffs so I pickpocketed it (some reason I haven't failed a pickpocket attempt yet even with a sneak skill of 30) but the key only unlocked the door to the back room, it didn't unlock the safe. Should the key have opened the safe or am I going to have to invest in science/lockpick? 10:44, August 11, 2013 (UTC)

No way to unlock the safe without having 75 lockpick/science[]

Un-fucking-believable, so basically the only way to complete the quest peacefully is to have either the lockpicking or science skill at 75? That is absolutely ridiculous.

I completed "You can depend on me", but after I recruited Cass and was with her awhile nothing happens, and she never wants to visit her caravans so....idk what to do I've done 3 play throughs before and this has not happened before.

"Killing Alice McLafferty will fail the quest Pressing Matters."[]

Eh... no? Not if you completed this quest beforehand. This is a silly "Notice", since this goes for every last quest in the entire game: If you kill the questgiver, you won't get/will fail the quests they give.

Complete that quest first, THEN kill her, it's not rocket-science, and it's not warranted to list in a "Notes" list.

Roll back "settle accounts"[]

I chose the "settle accounts" option, yet I also have the two pieces of evidence. Can I turn them into Ranger Jackson? I would like to rollback the quest and choose the non violent path instead. Can I do this using the console? 03:52, November 5, 2014 (UTC)

Never mind. Taking the notes to Ranger Jackson worked. I'm using the YUP mod, so maybe what happened to me is different. 03:59, November 5, 2014 (UTC)

Van Graff Safe bug[]

So I chose to kill the van graff's and got the keys, I have a science skill of 85 and tried to access the computer, however it wont let me, all that is there is an Activate that is colored red. Choosing to open the safe tells me I don't have the required skill to unlock it. Reloaded the save and everything worked normally. Khaotix523 (talk) 01:53, February 13, 2015 (UTC)

Killing after the peaceful solution[]

If you first complete the quest peacefully, and then decide to kill the Van Graffs (for the Brotherhood quest, for instance), is it necessary to kill McLafferty too? -ZuTheSkunk (talk) 17:33, August 23, 2015 (UTC)
