Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


What will happen if you give the cure to Wherner? Will TDC be cured? Can you make the floodlights go on again?

I'm not sure that Haven is supposed to be the Cathedral. It looks similar, yes, but geographically it's way too deep in the city. And I'm pretty sure the tall building to the right of Haven (looking at it) is supposed to be the U.S. Steel building. So it seems like its just supposed to be a generic Art Deco building. Anybody have any other ideas?

--Haven might also be the PPG Building, but it seems Bethesda already included it as a destroyed LOD viewable from the Pitt bridge.

ive gone back to the pitt to make some looting that i couldnt carry before ( yeah ive turned into someone dying for caps :D ) . and i saw that the front door to haven is locked saying "requires a key". why is that ? was it like that before . i just cant recall :S and i couldnt see a clue in the article. hope this talk page helps --Replikanxxl 15:17, September 28, 2009 (UTC)

The Wooden Man[]

Anyone else agree that it is an homage to The Wicker Man? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070917/--Jimimorrison 02:58, October 14, 2009 (UTC)

Dude, of course it's the wicker man, what else could it be?


Strange Glitch[]

When playing The Pitt recently, I stumpled upon the most furstrating glitch I've encountered in all of Fallout: the keyless locked door. I sided with Ashur and finished the quest but when I tired to leave, the door was locked and the game said that it needed a key. However there wasn't a key for it. It was really strange and annoying. I ended up stealing Ashur's Key and even that didn't budge the lock and it wasn't capable of being budged with Lockpick. Only a reset to an ealier save (thankfully I didn't have to do Unsafe Working Conditions again (100 Ingots=hours of frustration and annoyance) and then it didn't appear. Should that go in the bugs section?--KnightNapier 18:10, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

Same here. I sided with Wernher and couldn't reenter Haven to grab the Holotapes. Even after killing Ashur and getting his key I cannot enter Haven.--Igm 15:36, December 30, 2009 (UTC)

I've got the same problem. Not sure what key i'm supposed to have for the door. Also since i fast travelled from haven to downtown before the trog invasion could occour it never happened so i ended up having to kill everyone in uptown myself. I even found Ashur alive and well and friendly when i went back to loot, but he had no dialogue options. 07:54, January 15, 2010 (UTC)

I'm getting the same locked door glitch. I'm stuck inside, after killing Ashur, his guards, and Sandra (but only because she attacked me!) For some reason, I must have turned my autosave off last time I was playing, and now I don't have a save since before I got the steel ingots. I completed Free Labour by killing Wernher, and I killed Midea too because I found her manner quite displeasing. After completing Free Labour I attempted to leave, but noticed the door was locked, so I went back to Ashur and killed him, and took his key - which doesn't work on the door, only for his safe, I believe. It's sort of sad no one has any information on this glitch besides a few reports of it. Ah well, guess I'll just reload before starting The Pitt, and do it again completely after the other DLC's. 07:16, February 7, 2011 (UTC)

what is THAT?[]

the huge thing in the front of haven towers. it loks like a ghoul lol 22:17, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

Elevator To Haven[]

Does anyone else think that this should have totally been "Stairway to Haven"?

Bug Awaiting Confirmation[]

When you see Ashur and Krenshaw talking, if you go close to Krenshaw and he talks to you, for example if he says `Get outta my face' and stuff to you, they both will just stand there not doing anything and you can't talk to them, Making it impossible to complete Free Labor the Raiders's way (PS3) Tezzla Cannon 19:02, March 27, 2010 (UTC)
