Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


This place makes a great 'House' for the player. Both types of Workbench, a bed, plenty of storage, and you can fast travel right to the front door. (Is it worth putting this as note on the main page?) --Webley 04:41, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

I'd say so. This is the best non-ownable player housing I've encountered in the game so far. A total of 18 safe storage containers (including the three metal boxes just outside), a bed, campfire, reloading Bench, and the workbench. Pretty much everything you'd need and it's safe to fast-travel to (there's deathclaws not far south, but I haven't had any experiences with them wandering over to the shack. Just don't go south, lol). Perfect if you're role-playing a nomad/outlaw type character. 07:26, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

Campfire too[]

In addition to the amenities Webley listed, there is also a Campfire right outside the shack too. De stijl 19:59, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

item storage?[]

do items put in the containers here disappear? They don't seem to but I'm not really sure...

I never lost anything and I had a lot of stuff. --Webley 01:13, November 8, 2010 (UTC)


Do NOT try to fast travel here unless you are absolutely 100% sure you can take Deathclaws. Sometimes when you spawn, two of them will spawn along with you, and RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU too. I don't need to tell you why this is exceptionally bad. I confirmed this to happen randomly across five different characters. It seems to depend on whether you killed the Blind Deathclaw in Primm Pass or not, but I wouldn't bet my life on it and neither should you unless you like reloading.

On PC, in many of dozens of fast travels to the shack, I have never had a deathclaws spawn near me. There were always two adults and two young up by the cave who never noticed me. I was able to kill them with Ratslayer and AP ammo from a distance, though. (But killing the D.C.s in the cave is a different story.) I did kill the Blind Deathclaws before finding Harper's Shack, I think.-- 08:32, December 5, 2010 (UTC)

I've gotten rid of the deathclaw danger at Harper's Shack. The blind deathclaw wandering around Primm Pass doesn't respawn, so once you're rid of that one, it's just the deathclaws roaming around outside Dead Wind Cavern that you might need to worry about (if you wander off too far). These do respawn, but here's the thing-- they respawn exactly where they died. I therefore didn't kill them out in the open. I got them to agro on me and then led them into Dead Wind Cavern and killed them after they followed me in. They still respawn, but not outside. They respawn in the cavern (so be mindful that you'll be in for a hell of a fight if you choose to enter that cave again. Best to do this after you've already collected Mercy and the Brotherhood power armor). Harper's Shack is now deathclaw free! 23:33, December 17, 2010 (UTC)

Mole Rats[]

I've found that a singular Mole Rat sometimes spawns when I fast travel to Harper's Shack across several different profiles. Another time, a Golden Gecko spawned on the ridge below the shack for seemingly no reason. Is it just me with this strange occurrences? Has anyone else had creatures spawn with them when fast traveling to Harper's Shack, not including the poster in the Deathclaw topic above?

And no, I didn't kill any Mole Rats or Golden Geckos outside Harper's Shack at any point in time. >.> --CptMuddles 11:47, January 3, 2011 (UTC)

Harper who?[]

When I first saw this shack, I though of the Harper from Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.

Could it be? 22:20, March 26, 2011 (UTC)

Crates Outside?[]

The article says the crates inside are safe but are the ones outside safe as well? I would prefer to keep all of my campfire crafting stuff out there if I can so that way I can grab stuff and go right over to the campfire. 17:39, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

I put a few things outide just to see what would happen and a week later they were still ther. I'd say outside storage is safe--SoySauceSamurai 06:39, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

It *is not* safe to store weapons in outside crates. If you get into combat with nearby NPCs they will rush to the crates and grab the guns. -- 14:29, September 23, 2011 (UTC)
