Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

the discription reads as follows -

The harbormen populate Far Harbor. Most of them are fishermen, who combat the dreadful creatures of the island. They also consist of refugees, who had to flee their homes when the Fog covered much of the island. They also protest against the Church of Atom cult. Despite also being against the church, recently Captain Avery has not been vocal about it and tries to calm down the agitated people.

Argument is as follows -

For starters The first Section goes on to mention that the Harbormen is a faction in Fallout 4, i agree, also looking at notable members it can be infered that there both male and female. The thing is theres 2 kinds of Harbormen pages, theres Harbormen (Faction) and then theres Harbormen (Class) for the job class of the Nameless Harbormen.

I disagree with the Assertion that most Harbormen are Fisherman because Fisherman is also the name of a kind and job class of people that live at the Far Harbor town in the Far Harbor region. although i could argue that they might all get there nutrition and food from Sea life such as Mirelurks its just theres also a Separate NPC type men just for Fisherman instead of Harbormen. Why not just mention that Fishermen are also part of the faction rather than say there all mostly Fisherman? Promethius20 (talk) 16:07, September 10, 2016 (UTC)
