Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Construction mode HELL[]

Is this settlement bugged or something? whenever i try to scrap default structure and construct new ones, i simply cant move stuff around (plants, beds), they cannot be selected from any angle.

Spawn locations[]

In the article it mentions enemies spawning inside the settlement. Having only just cleared this area I'm not able to say myself, but can anyone clarify specific locations to defend if this is the case?

Console commands to remove hung bodies?[]

I, and I imagine some other people who also look up Hangman's Alley on wikia, would really like to get rid of those "decorative" hooked bodies and this article mentions there are console commands for doing so. How would I do that?

A: Open the console, click on the body and type markfordelete then close the console and fast travel away. You might need to wait a bit but the body will eventually disappear. This works with any object. You might need to check you have the right object selected by clicking on it and typing modpos z -10 since if you have the right object picked it will then move down. Make sure you type modpos z 10 afterwards to put it back before you type markfordelete

Workshop ID Ref[]

Can someone post the ID ref for the Workshop, I think I accidentally disabled it. Snake -- 21:50, December 23, 2015 (UTC)
